Morbid Angel - Illud Divinum Insanus new album discussion.


Sep 2, 2010
Alright so Morbid Angel's new fucking album is coming out soon and shit it's called Illud Divinum Insanus. The album is due to be released on June 7th, 2011. What are your expectations for the album? Low? High? Don't give a fuck? Vincent is back in the band so I'm actually looking forward to this.



Oh yea btw heres the fucking album cover. ^^

Edit. Yes somebody brought it up in the Death Metal thread. But this deserves it's own thread kudos to you.
I remember back in '05 I genuinely believed that they were going to release an album later that year. Because David Vincent's back in the fold I'm definitely interested and I remain fairly optimistic but I don't have any real expectations. I predict it will basically continue where Covenant left off but mixed with elements from their last couple albums, Gateways and Heretic.

But honestly, I don't think they've really released any bad albums, despite there being some weak moments here and there. When I first heard Heretic, for example, I was very disappointed but over time I grew to appreciate that album. I like that it has a very melancholic vibe to it, at least in my opinion. I know a lot of people don't like this album though.
I'm pretty excited for this, but I'm not keeping my hopes up. I tend to believe that after album #4, bands tend to either stagnate or go downhill. I didn't care for Gateways, and Heretic was slightly better, but now with Vincent back in the band, things may be looking up.
These kind of albums tend to be sink or swim for bands like MA. They've already established a reputation with the first couple of records then they went off and experimented alittle bit, then they had their little hiatus period, not it's time to release the new long awaited new album. Of course when it's finally released it's either a combination of the experimental stuff along with the old stuff. Or complete worship of the old stuff. I think they'll try to go for the old sound but more polished.
hell yeah bring it on! and that cover is fuckin sweet!
I'm personally not expecting much. "Heretic" was pretty much dreadful.

I'm also not thrilled that David Vincent is back, either. The David Vincent that recorded the "classic" Morbid Angel is long gone, replaced by a podgy lycra clad gimp that would rather play synth-rock than death metal. I'm guessing that it wasn't a sudden rush of "hey! I really miss death metal" that made him return to the Morbid Angel fold, but rather the allure of all that lucrative cash being offered by the European metal festival circuit. If there's one thing cash can't offer, it's inspiration.

Personally, I thought Morbid Angel were at the zenith of their powers during Formulas and Gateways.

Also: that title fucking sucks. What, they couldn't find any interesting English words beginning with "I" ?
So looking forward to this. Cant be any worse then their last album anyways. The title is good enough, fuck English.

Trey Azagthoth: "I'd say it's like an assemblage of all sorts of stuff from the catalog and some new influences. I listen to a lot of hardcore [techno] music now — the fuckin' serious, artistic stuff, not that crap you hear at the clubs. That stuff has impact and it's really extreme. Even if there's no guitar in it or no real drums, the energy coming out of the speakers is amazing."
I look forward to this release and I am interested in what it will sound like. Though I do not expect anything from it to be honest - neither good nor bad. I think it can go either way. I willd efinately check it out though. I love everything they released (But havent really heard Heretic - the album so many people dislike).
So looking forward to this. Cant be any worse then their last album anyways. The title is good enough, fuck English.

Trey Azagthoth: "I'd say it's like an assemblage of all sorts of stuff from the catalog and some new influences. I listen to a lot of hardcore [techno] music now — the fuckin' serious, artistic stuff, not that crap you hear at the clubs. That stuff has impact and it's really extreme. Even if there's no guitar in it or no real drums, the energy coming out of the speakers is amazing."

So there may be an electronic/industrial influence on the new album? That could be good, especially if it's not just a half assed techno remix of Morbid Angel.
I'm pretty stoked about it. Not expecting anything revolutionary, but Trey is nevertheless one of the most talented individuals in metal.
I pretty much have high anticipation for this album. But that album cover is really terrible. What the hell are they thinking.
So looking forward to this. Cant be any worse then their last album anyways. The title is good enough, fuck English.


I just want to clarify my slamming of the new title isn't based on any little Englander type xenophobia or innate hatred of Latin, more that it really doesn't fit in with the other album titles, which were all written in English.

Much love.
I'm personally not expecting much. "Heretic" was pretty much dreadful.

Heretic was released nearly a decade ago. I really doubt it's going to be a part 2 to the album or whatever.

I'll listen to the album with open ears... no huge expectations.