morbid angel/suffocation/satyricon


metal weirdoD
Aug 15, 2002
seen this tour both friday and sat....and god i love heavy metal...i couldnt stop smiling during either band during either night...and minneapolis streets are named really ridiculously....the fest was kinda eh and seemingly shabbily set up but the venue was amazing...woulda been better if a lil more doomy.....novembers doomy....and i wore an eminem shirt there and got almost no reaction...oh....and minneapolis has in its town by far the WORST pizza place i have ever ate at....complete garbage...

and by the way...
may 15 at the arlington heights knights of columbus....rune is playin with exhumed and some other one will be dissapointed and im just going to keep going on about them til one of ya all fucking gets out and sees em... i think you will dig....well im done now
Novembers Paul said:
I just downlo.... errr, umm, picked up a Rune CD, so i'll check it out soon!
which one? end of nothing????? if thats the one ya will smile forever....the one relapse put out was good but kinda recorded to sound like dillinger escape plan...the band itself isnt into that record at all....please let me know what ya think....
turnloosetheswans said:
which one? end of nothing????? if thats the one ya will smile forever....the one relapse put out was good but kinda recorded to sound like dillinger escape plan...the band itself isnt into that record at all....please let me know what ya think....

Yes, it's The End of Nothing. I've still yet to give it a listen. Soon.
NvmbrsDoom5 said:
I rather like Mnemic, actually. =)
I gotta agree with Larry on this one they rock. The definately have a Fear Factory sound to them which is probably why I like them. That new FF is totally bad fucking ass by the way. I'm glad they went back to a more demanufacture sound.
I might like Mnemic live. However, the studio stuff is sort of pointless for me. It's not entirely unique and I have albums in that style which are personal classics. I might like the Mnemic singer more than Burton C. Bell, but that's about it.
O.k. I agree, they're not unique. Meshuggah was unique when they introduced this kind of advanced polyrytmic playing and Mnemic does not go beyond that. But they combine the good stuff from them, Fear factory and maybe S.Y.L. and create their own thing out of it. and I saw them live; they're intense and convinced me that they kick as!

But let's wait for their second studio-album due to come out in the fall. Then we'll see again.

Oh teah, W