Mord - Christendom Perished

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Mord – Christendom Perished
Southern Lord – SUNN58 – March 21, 2006
By Nathan Pearce


Do you like your black metal to contain Satanic imagery? What about Satanic lyrics? Crazy logo? Blast beats? Fire-breathing vocals? Me too. Unfortunately, for me, that’s all I heard the first time I listened to Mord’s new full length, Christendom Perished. Sure I was intrigued . . . but only a little . . . and so I let the CD sit there for several days. Then a couple weeks went by. I decided to give it a few more spins, since I needed to review it and all. Well, I learned my lesson! Never, judge violent black metal upon first listen.

Mord’s Christendom Perished is so much more than the typical violent burst of Satanic metal. Sure the vocals damn near draw blood from your speakers as this disc spins. Sure there’s a fair share of blasting black metal fury contained within. But after only a few listens you need to let the full force of this sink in. Mord is a band that fully understands black metal’s past, but they are also smart enough to move into the future . . . but only in the right places. While Christendom Perished can burn the listener similar to the latest from 1349, this album can also slow down and show some teeth similar to that which we’ve seen from Anaal Nathrakh on their latest effort. Don’t get me wrong, though. This isn’t some simple combination of 1349 and Anaal Nathrakh. In fact, neither band is really related much at all.

Mord is basically one of those rare bands that can combine the violence of blasting black metal with the riffs of more “rock” based black metal. Even more astounding is their ability to create good songs. How many times have you listened to a violent black metal album, only to forget if there were actually any good songs on the album? Mord won’t leave you feeling that way. In fact, the only negative feeling I got from this disc was the feeling that Mord is just getting started.

With their ability to create great songs, riffs, and violent metal, Mord is definitely going to be a band to watch for. As it stands right now, Christendom Perished is probably a smart addition to any black metal fan’s collection. Take note. This is just the beginning.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Mord’s Official Website
Southern Lord’s Official Website
This is pretty brutal stuff. A lot more interesting than the latest Dark Funeral, that's for sure...:kickass:
I am curious to know if the reviewer has heard of Graven. This band also has the same ability to write good riffs that keep your attention.