more bands possible for bloodstock4


New Metal Member
Jul 19, 2003
aberdeen scotland
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I think these bands should lead the line up for bloodstock4 Manowar Hammerfall And Rhapsody.They are great live complement each other perfectly.Would be a perfect stage for the long awaited and needed Uk Manowar Tour.

Hail And Kill
Stormhart :hotjump:
Yeah, Manowar are a pretty good live experience, even if they're not as good as they once were. Joey personally promised me that they'd be back in the UK soon. But then that was nearly 10 years ago! I think maybe he's forgotten :) Either way, get them in for BS'04.
MentaLee said:
......with just that little faint hint of cheese!!!!!

Hey.... copious amounts of cheese is fine by me!! Have to say though I'm not keen on Manowar!! I think Manowar are for the guys!! They aren't my thing. Rhapsody I could live with though!!

Anthrax would be good too...though if you are going for a thrash band I would rather see Annihilator!! Everytime I have seen them they have been excellent!!
I remember someone saying that Manowar's 25th anniversary is next year. If that's the case, then a large-scale tour is very likely. I'm still rooting for Iced Earth, though, since they look to be finally getting their act together after a turbulent few months. The venue might not be financially viable for them, though, which would be a real shame.
While I'm not a fan I think ManOWar would do wonders for the fests popularity and status so bring them on. I think the organisers ought to look at peoples T-shirts more because as Tet pointed out there were a LOT of MOW T's, which brings me onto another point, there were a lot of Aborted T's as well, and I for one would love too see them at Bloodstock, if they are going to import bands then why not get soem lesser known ones in (Lipid, Frostmoon Eclipse, Aborted, Strommoussheld, Enochian Crescent etc.).
Baletempest said:
While I'm not a fan I think ManOWar would do wonders for the fests popularity and status so bring them on. I think the organisers ought to look at peoples T-shirts more because as Tet pointed out there were a LOT of MOW T's, which brings me onto another point, there were a lot of Aborted T's as well, and I for one would love too see them at Bloodstock, if they are going to import bands then why not get soem lesser known ones in (Lipid, Frostmoon Eclipse, Aborted, Strommoussheld, Enochian Crescent etc.).

I second that. I was looking at most people's t-shirts as they went past and commenting on their tastes... I'm always up for the lesser known bands getting a chance too...

OTOH, I think I'll be getting just as drunk next year and missing as many sets :loco: Hope they sort out all the timing for the next one, was gutted that I missed some of the bands in the Darwin suite because of timing.

Can you believe we drank the bar dry?!! :headbang: ROCK ON!!! That Jagermeister stuff tasted like cough mixture though :ill: Yeuch! Anyone else find that?

Manowar would be fun to see just cause I've never seen them but personally THerion would be enough to get me over there again. Wolf would be amazing. I saw them in Cleveland this summer and they were one of the most energetic live bands I've ever seen. Sonata Arctica, Epica, Stratovarius or Brainstorm would be nice as well.


Underground Zine Scene
Hawkwind? I suppose they ARE a good band but I'd hardly consider the majority of their music to be "metal". I mean, Blue Shift? Electric Tepee? If they played those songs they'd get laughed off the stage. Even the more heavy rock-influenced songs like Right To Decide and The Secret Agent aren't exactly what I'd call metal. Still, they're a good band.