More Confessions...

I guess just cause what I have gathered from your comments about Avenged is that you think they are a whiney emo band and that is the reason you can't stand them... yet I think Panic at the disco sounds alot more emo... atleast it does to me (Their look, style and vocals).
Sydo said:
This is not so much a confession, but an update of what's been happening over the past few months of my life.

My Graduate Diploma of Education is racing towards completion, and in a mad rush to get my registration all sorted out by the weeks end. I still have a few assignments to finish, but the end is definitely in sight now. It's been a heck of a busy year!
The exciting part is that I've already picked up work for next year - a scholarship position at Portland Secondary College teaching Commerce, Accounting and IT. I'm hoping to move down there in the next couple months with my girlfriend, provided she can find work. Otherwise she'll just go back to studying at uni - which probably isn't such a bad idea at all. There's not a great deal to do in Portland, it's a small town on the west-Victoria coast about 3hours from Geelong. I think I'll be spending a lot of time fishing and surfing! Adelaide will be closer than Melbourne for gigs, but I'll still have a place to stay in Geelong, and hope to get back 'here' every couple weeks for a weekend.

And I have a new car. A 2003 Nissan X-Trail. It's pretty sweet and good fun. My ute is still sitting about, but I'm hoping to get rid of it sometime soon. It was a great car, but is getting a little tired.

Awesome dude.
Yeah that sounds cool, Sydo. Portland's not a bad place. I was there a couple of times for work earlier in the year.
Hell yeah! :kickass:

But it's unlikely I'll get to Gigantour.. It's nice to know that I have a wage coming again soon, but not having worked for six months has really become rather painful, and another $80+ is probably more than I can afford.
KoichCPA said:
Sydo, portland is awesome fishing. You can catch massive ocean run blue fin tuna off the rocks.

I'd come visit you.

That's what I've heard! One of the best spots for ocean fishing in the state. I'll be getting my boat licence soon too. :)
haha yeh, one of my mates kept buying me those bloody $10 jugs, I dont know how, but it was always full :lol:

anyway, in my drunken state I thought it would be fun to try my hand at flogging a drink or two out of the bar fridge. Needless to say i didn't get far, caught on my first attempt in fact, the conequense was getting my arse escorted out. And, And, I didnt even get to hear fear of the dark played, oh the humanity!
:lol: yeh it's normally a good night, I love it when they crank out Fear of the Dark :rock: and Cum on fell the noize :lol: