More Extreme Metal For 04

Cruel Humanity

Creature Of Fear
Nov 25, 2002
I would like to see a bit more extreme metal, more thrash/death/black/goth (the list goes on.....) @ BS 04.

i found there was just too much power/hair metal & tho bloodstock has always been a power metal event, i think it needs to expand abit.

now im not say that there has to be a big name black metal band headlining ... tho it would be nice... but if bloodstock is gonna become the biggest and best UK metal fest (which it could well become) it needs to EXPAND.

... just a thought
Cruel Humanity said:
. but if bloodstock is gonna become the biggest and best UK metal fest (which it could well become) it needs to EXPAND.

... just a thought

It's already the biggest and best metal fest in the UK.

I do agree that there should be more extreme metal. Ideally Bloodstock should be like Wacken with a True & Black Metal Stage.
1 power stage, one exrtreme stage, and bands tht are neither can have the friday night - if u had tht everyone would be happy, well almost everyone ne way, but i tihnk to an extent blodstock 03 was like that, not totally tho, there were exceptions e.g. paradise lost in with mostly power metal/traditional metal bands
prince_of_darkness54321 said:
1 power stage, one exrtreme stage, and bands tht are neither can have the friday night - if u had tht everyone would be happy, well almost everyone ne way, but i tihnk to an extent blodstock 03 was like that, not totally tho, there were exceptions e.g. paradise lost in with mostly power metal/traditional metal bands

Yep also it would be good if the darwin suit could be opened on the friday to give the good bands that don't fit into either category such as: Illuminatus's, Bates Motels and 5thmandown a chance at playing this level.
There's some great european Thrash, death & black metal acts out there which would be great at bloodstock 04. Ban's like Vomitory, Vader, Bolt Thrower, Callanish Circle etc etc etc.
Which death/doom/black metal acts would you like to see at 04?
I'd love to see Bolt Thrower myself and for a bit of doom Candlemass, I saw them in London last summer they were a 1st class live band. Does anyone agree?
graveworm should plzy deffo:)
but i like the power metal, thats what makes bloodstock, well bloodstock... its the only festival that is predominantly power metal that has been a true success, i like it that way... black and extreme metal are great but dont have a big enough uk following to generate crowds... alot of the heavy metal heads who go for the power metal would be pissed of at the black (not all but i know alot who hate black metal) and alot of the black metal crowd (predominantyl younger) would hate the power metal and thus would become too mixed... as a power metal fest you get a power metal crowd, everyone goes knowing that there is a chance of enjoying every band... wacken can afford different styles its huge but bloodstock would suffer greatly from them as it would generate far too much mixed interest for the assembly rooms and the time they have (1 night and a day) and only 2 rooms, 1 in which no major signed band will want to play in... this year it was great and got no bad reviews because most people went to see power metal, and thats what they got... if you had so many different styles you would get far to many ppl bitchin about this band and that band and such, this year yes not every1 liked every band but the general concencus was that the fest and lineup was great... i think it should stay power metal, then its only for true heavy metal fans and every1 knows what to expect when they go, and they get it... i agree that the darwin suit could afford more extreme metal though, just not the mainstage... just look at what happened during the diversity this year... every1 was hot during edguy and rared up and then they changed styles to paradise lost and the crowd died, there where a few ppl into them but the majority of the crowd was power metal and when it switched from power to paradise lost the majority of ppl got bored... get what i mean at all
I do see your point, I don't really agree with it though. The Darwin suite could easily have 1 or 2 extreme bands on with no adverse effects. If relativley unhered of bands can play there why not established extreme bands?. There have been Thrash/Death/Black metal bands in previous years i.e. Bal Sagoth, Sabbat and the opening band in the Darwin suite in B'Stock 01 (I forget the name!). If we just have power metal (which I really love), I can for see B'Stock having the same band's year in year out. Which will get boaring. Maybe it should be put to the vote, who know's.
P.S. Paradise Lost were poor infront of there own crowd, I saw them on tour for Believe in nothing tour, they sucked big style.
The G man said:
If we just have power metal (which I really love), I can for see B'Stock having the same band's year in year out. Which will get boaring. Maybe it should be put to the vote, who know's.

I think you're totally wrong. There are hundreds upon hundreds of awesome quality Power Metal bands that have never played bloodstock before but would love to come across. There are also enough big names that have never played Bloodstock but are headline material. Manowar, Rhapsody, Stratovarius, Savatage, Iced Earth, Helloween, Nevermore, Running Wild and Evergrey.
agreed with eagle on that, i dont mind the darwin suit havin extreme metal, defiantly! thats why bloodstcok will never get old as there are a million and 1 unsigned and such bands for the darwin suit of any metal genre, and a ton of unheard power metal bands out there that have never even played the uk, never mind bs and there are alot of headlining material bands aswell in the power metal genre, thats the best way the festival can be, the uks only established powermetal fest, with the extreme metal on the darwin stage....
ironeagle said:
agreed with eagle on that, i dont mind the darwin suit havin extreme metal, defiantly! thats why bloodstcok will never get old as there are a million and 1 unsigned and such bands for the darwin suit of any metal genre, and a ton of unheard power metal bands out there that have never even played the uk, never mind bs and there are alot of headlining material bands aswell in the power metal genre, thats the best way the festival can be, the uks only established powermetal fest, with the extreme metal on the darwin stage....

now you change your tune ;)
not changin my tune, never sed that even once... my argument on the other topic was about the mainstage... never even mentioned the darwin suit... even this year that was more extreme, not very much more, but more than power metal at least, id like to see different styles in there but i find that the mainstage should stick with the power metal:) sorry if i never made this unclear before:) , thats why i only talked about the main stage bands :)
So is b'stock a power metal fest then eagle?, as you say else where there have only been 13 Power metal acts, so why should the headliner be a power metal band such as one of the ones you so kindley listed?. Not that I really give a fuck. I love the bands you listed + I love hundreds of non-power metal stuff so I guess I get the best of both worlds. And at the end of the day the desision is not really up to us anyway, I'll be there next year whoever plays there. Rock on!.