More Fun To Have!

I told all those faggots to go fuck themselves. Feel free to flame their asses to hell. Anthrax kicks the shit out of those fuckers and I dont like people talking trash about one of my favorite bands. :yell:
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
I told all those faggots to go fuck themselves. Feel free to flame their asses to hell. Anthrax kicks the shit out of those fuckers and I dont like people talking trash about one of my favorite bands. :yell:
Don't waste your time. Although I thought it was hilarious that they said Billy should ban Justin!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
And obviously none of them know that Billy's "webbastard"s favorite band is... ANTHRAX.
Jono said:
they can say what they want about anthrax. they just need to realize shit talking only goes so far. what the fucked sparked all that anyway?


I dunno. Some asshole over there who wants attention by talking shit about an awesome band. Fuck, I bet he listens to fuckin' Celine Deon. Faggots. We should fuck their sisters, then burn their houses down.
Spreadingthe Living312 said:
I dunno. Some asshole over there who wants attention by talking shit about an awesome band. Fuck, I bet he listens to fuckin' Celine Deon. Faggots. We should fuck their sisters, then burn their houses down.
Would YOU have balls to do it yourself? :lol: