More Jonas Guest Vocals!!

Lord Byron

My Uncle Is A Retard
Sep 9, 2005
Just read this on Blabbermouth.
KATATONIA vocalist Jonas Renkse has contributed guest vocals to a track on "Worlds I Create", the third full-length album from Norwegian extreme metallers PANTHEON I. "Jonas and I have been friends for some years now," explained PANTHEON I guitarist and frontman Kvebek. "We both like the extreme and the melodic, and often talk about our musical visions, so I asked him if he would like to do some guest vocals on the new album, and he agreed straight away. The track we chose was 'Ascending', and his voice is perfect on it, awesome, in fact. It adds a new soaring dimension to the whole sound."

An e-card for "Worlds I Create" is available at this location. The CD will be released later this month via Candlelight Records.

uh...what the hell?! I "know" the Pantheon I guys (they moved inn where I used to live some years of them at least..heh) And I have several friends who have helped them in different ways (one with video production and one other friend who has no connection to the video producing guy played a role in the "where angels burn" video...this is odd.

I'm not a big fan of their music though. They're talented and great musicians and all, but the music haven't caught my attention... yet. I guess I'll have to listen more carefully now though.