More live shows?


Mar 28, 2006
Was wondering if any No. East (U.S.) shows may be happening? Jonahs old stomping grounds (mine to). Pumped- for the live dvd!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cool! Not to be greedy or jump the gun- if that happens, are we talking maybe a new cd by then? "Pyrawarriors" would be even more pleased to say the least!!!!!!!
Last time I'll say it Lance, cause I know that you know it as well as I do: Canada. Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver will BLOW you away. Crazy asses when it comes to their metal. When I saw Iced Earth, Children of Bodom and Evergrey in 2004 in Toronto, the venue (The Kool Haus) oversold on the tickets. Normally the place holds about 1000. Close to 1700 squished into the venue, and it was an AMAZING night. Even though there were so many people squished in to the place, and there were crazy mosh pits going on, people were helping people who took a pounding in the pits, and I even had a midgit guy (who had seen Judas Priest 40 times live) on my shoulders in the 4th row, so he could see the show. Wound up on the buses with all three bands after the show, and had a just amazing night.

Hope to see you guys up here soon as well and we can hang:headbang: