More Machine Head, More Sevendust!!


Down For Five Band Member
Jan 20, 2004
Hey Wes, how's it going? I want to hear more Machine Head and Sevendust. I love those bands!

Just a quick report, Down For Five has begun recording the new full length album. Once it's done, Wes will be one of the first to get it. We want that thing to spin on RR and for the kick ass listeners of RR to dig what they hear.

Much love to RR and its crew and audience!

Down For Five
If you got death threats about Sevendust, you may get them if you play us too, haha!!! Man, I guess I'm just not quite heavy enough for most of the RR crew, but it's all good. There's a place for all kinds of metal and fortunately a medium like Rapture is around to deliver the heaviest of metal to the heaviest of metal fans. Rock on!
I must make a confession...I am only familiar with Burn My Eyes and the new one. Apparently, the stuff I missed in the middle was okay to miss! I still love Burn My Eyes...Ten Ton Hammer, baby!
wesjaques said:
Hey Janna,
I played Sevendust once and got death threats! I have heard the new Machine Head is actually a metal record, so I am considering picking it up. However, I swear, the first time I hear Rob Flynn rap it's going in the trash!
Hell yeah, I cannot wait to get your CD! Everyone here loved the last one!