More on Celtic Frost


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Tom continues to give info

We finished the demonstration songs yesterday. They will be used for various industry purposes. We focused entirely on heavy material, and these songs are a clear indication of what the album is going to be like, they are dark, ferocious, sometimes very unique, and very intense. The full album will be more varied, but the general direction is obvious.

All the recordings were made at our rehearsal studio, and we used live versions for most of the tracks. We spent Sunday mixing at Oakland Recording in Winterthur, Switzerland. Erol engineered, and Martin and me managed to annoy him constantly with our demands/comments/immaturities.

Almost everything came out as intended. The only song that doesn't yet work is "Os Abysmi vel Daath". This is a bitter pill to swallow, for it is one of our earliest dark songs for the new album, and we had a lot of faith in it. We will have to go back and put some very concise work into it. The song seems so simple, and yet it is very complex and has managed to defeat us every step of the way so far.

The other songs of the demo sound extremely Celtic Frost to me, in details sometimes astonishingly close to "Morbid Tales" or "To Mega Therion". "Ain Elohim" and "Temple of Depression" are perhaps my favourites among these songs. Although it is a new song, the title and some of my contributions to "Temple of Depression" go back to the original Celtic Frost of many years ago.

If all goes according to plan, Martin is going to pick up a renown Swedish producer from the airport in just a few hours. We'll talk for a day about a possible collaboration, and he'll hear almost the entire album on Tuesday.