More Rvlevrer III

for shits and giggles, when I was playing around with the acm900, I went "inside" and made the 2nd preamp tube a 12au7, and the 3rd a 12at7 (something I often do with my tube amps to get a smoother gain sound - not with two tubes, but one usually) and to my suprise - it sounded pretty cool to me! I then maxed out both gains and used the tube screamer with a lot of drive.
This time I tried combining the ACM900 with the JSX.
I think you get a better sounding high end with the ACM..
Sorry for the very Rammstein-esque verse riff haha.


And dont apolgize for Rammstein!!!! its all good stuff there man!!!

I might have to try the tube switch out also!!!

can you share you settings on both? I really Really like the heavy hmmmmm ya djenty stuff you have there!!!!
The title of this thread should've been "more dyslexia" :D Great tone once again dude! Though I definitely prefer the other one you posted with the JSX and 6505

And dont apolgize for Rammstein!!!! its all good stuff there man!!!

I might have to try the tube switch out also!!!

can you share you settings on both? I really Really like the heavy hmmmmm ya djenty stuff you have there!!!!



The mellow section halfway through the song is amazing! It gave me chills. I wish I wrote that riff!
Thanks guys :)

Here's the ACM-settings:
You get some nice djent/chug from the treble booster, but I'm also using a real TS9 with the tone knob at max, that'll djent things up quite a bit :)

You can find the other settings in my previous thread.

-J-: That's interesting about the tube swapping.. I'll have to try that.

Metaltastic: These thred are no wrong spelings. haha :p Ah ok, I think the other tone is a lot smoother sounding.. This one works nicer for meshuggish style riffs and such.. Not that this song has any of those riffs, but I know it
does :)

Splat88: Thanks man! That compliment really means alot :)

fuge86: Thanks :) I really like your songwriting btw. I think it would be a great idea to combine the two... With two tracks of Revalver and 2 with the POD.
I just can't figure out why those settings don't sound good when I try them. Seems like I don't have nearly enough gain. Is it because you are using an actual tubescreamer?
I'm lovin' this clip. What did you do for the lead tone? Is it the same amp settings? Also, what did you use for a guitar and what pickup.

This is the best emulated sound i've ever heard. It's perfect for my music so i tried out the demo version and tried it out... can't make the same sound with the same chug and drive... yet. This has to be a part of my setup... and i hope i can make a sound that's nearly as good as yours... Damn damn and trible damn!!!
Yeah,, I'm on board with Splat here. The middle section is a winner. The solo really blows up my skirt as well. I'm punching myself in the biscuits knowing that I didn't write that riff.