More Stupidity from the 'Knot


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Oct 29, 2002
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SLIPKNOT percussionist/mastermind Shawn Crahan (a.k.a. Clown), who is believed to be recording material for a side project with producer Rick Rubin (RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS, SLAYER, SYSTEM OF A DOWN), recently spoke out in support of STONE SOUR and MURDERDOLLS, the SLIPKNOT offshoot bands featuring Crahan's cohorts Joey Jordison, Corey Taylor and Jim Root.

"Joey and Corey and Jim have found another extension of themselves, okay, and I want to clear it up," Shawn told Metal Edge. "Corey is a genius. He writes all the time, all day long. I got notebooks that he's just left laying around, full of conceptual pieces. Some belong to SLIPKNOT, some belong to Corey Taylor. There's things he won't even bring to SLIPKNOT, because it's not the 'KNOT. And no one knows that better than Corey. Think about what he did, man. I mean he takes his mask off — you know how hard that was? And he did it, and he's succeeding. And I say, good for him, because that's what SLIPKNOT stands for. Recently, I said we're the biggest punk band in the world. I didn't mean like we're a punk band, [but] I mean we live the punk feeling. We're the biggest metal band in the world, and I got three dudes trouncing around the world without masks, succeeding, okay? That's exactly what SLIPKNOT is."

biggest metal band in the world my ass :lol:
uggghhhh why wont that nu metal fad die already?
My opinion of Slipknot:
They're obviously not the brightest people. They're hicks for fuck's sake!
"greatest metal band in the world"? That was one of the most retarded things I've heard this month..
Their music?
Outstanding drumming and percusion sound. I do like that dude's vocals.. they're much better than those of most metal bands I like.
Some of their songs really do kick a lot of ass.
I respect them for not being like the 99% of humanity (the pop culture) and for making heavy music..
If you're one of those people that hate them more than bands that are truly worthy of hatred.. or one of those people that say they're not a metal band and compare them with truly suck ass bands like linkin park and papa roach.. or one of those people that go on and on and on bitching about Slipknot then you're retarded and I can't help you.

Why do you people get so tied up in all the drama???!!!!
the drummer is awesome, but i felt like too many of the songs sounded too alike. not like andrew wk, but still too alike. i heard mick(7) can fucking shred. i wanna hear him shred.
They are definetly gay and lying. See, there is another reason I fucking hate nu-metal bands!! They think they fucking kick ass. They buy a guitar, play it for 6 months, and then form a pussy non-talented nu-metal band. Then they sit there saying that they are the biggest band in the world (when actually most nu-metal all sounds the fucking same) which in fact they aren't. Conceededness (is that a word?) is a very big turn-off, especially for musicians like myself. I mean christ, the drummer (or should I say one of them) for Slipknot sounds fast at the double-bass. People will be like, "Oh! He's fucking fast!" which in fact, he isn't. My drummer was reading through I think Modern Drummer, and came to find out that the pussy uses CO2 on his pedals. What a bunch of posers. I mean come on, 9 (or is it 8) band members? Jesus fucking christ, give me a fucking break.

NP: Arch Enemy - Stigmata
the only reason why they call themselves bigest band would be cuz they are 9(i think)in the band. what a joke.. I mean, what are they all doing? Imagine one of 'em saying: im the 4 guitarist for slipnot!

or maybe they're all fat..

bigest metal band my ASS. I hate 'em.
Slipknot sucks, but not nearly as bad as most nu-metal bands. Their drummer is talented... he's waaay faster with his hands than his feet so it doesn't mean shit that he uses CO2 (whatever that is)... but they are conceited idiots, and if Corey Taylor is a genius, than I'm Albert fucking Einstein.