More Sydo Stufs


Apr 13, 2001
So we (Invisible Boy and I) went to Melbourne last night for the Bruce Kulick concert – but more about that later in another post...

While we were in Melbourne, we decided to pay a visit to JB and Metal Mayhem. Bad move! Spent loooots of money on stufs;

The Scream – Let It Scream
John Corabi rules. Good fun CD for those nice sunny days spent staring at skimpily dressed females. Will go well with the Hair Of The Dog album purchased recently.

Paul Dianno – The Beast Live
So he’s still flogging his Maiden moment 20 years later.. Who Cares??. This album really puts A Real Dead One to shame. Very good.

Dream Theater – Live Scenes From NY
Haven’t listened to it yet, but I’ve wanted this for a very long time. I haven’t heard anything but good reviews of it, so here’s hoping.

Alice Cooper – Definitive
For only $4.99 how could you go wrong? I’ve had The Life & Crimes box-set for ages, but it’s really a hassle to transport 4 disc around, and the Definitive collection contains most of the best anyway.

Iced Earth – Dark Genesis
I had almost promised myself NOT to get this, but seeing it in the store was just too much. I also asked before buying it whether the CD labels were still screwed, but thankfully my copy was fine. Yay. Now if only I liked Iced Earth…

Bruce Kulick – Audio Dog
I haven’t listened to this much yet either, but if the songs that were played at the concert are anything to go by, I think I’ll be pretty happy.

And so I am broke (and obscure), but have a warm fuzzy feeling inside that my music collection will keep me from boredom for at least another week.

np.. Saw Troops at the concert. He looked happy. :)
Well done, Sydo. Some superb choices there :).

You don't need me to tell you how good Dark Genesis is (Spawn will do that at a moment's notice) but Bruce's Audiodog is brilliant!

Yes, John Corabi does rule. I've not heard the Scream album, but I have all three Union CDs, one of which has an awesome live version of "Man in the Moon" on it.

"If she never comes back it'll be too soon..." Great stuff :rock:.

Originally posted by Sydo
np.. Saw Troops at the concert. He looked happy. :)

Hahaha... I was :) You should've seen me at the concert last year when the lights went down and that voice said "You wanted the best..." Hahahaha!! I'm surprised I'm still alive, I almost had a heartattack! :lol:

What's Bruce's album like???? The songs he played live sounded great! Very heavy too... I didn't think his solo stuff would be very heavy, but Brucey's definitely a metal child I think.
Live Scenes in NY is awesome, one of the best live albums I've heard. All of Scenes From a Memory is kickass, and A Change of Seasons is also particularly brilliant. Don't forget to check out the multimedia on your computer (it's on disc 3).
Finally it seems my ears have stopped ringing, so I might be able to listen to my CD's properly in the next few days.

So far I've quickly listened to Night Of The Stormrider which rules.. :rock:
Audio Dog isn't as heavy as the songs sounded at the concert, but I feel this suits Bruce's voice better. I've only heard the first 4 songs which were all played that night.
Live Scenes is great! It's really made even more excited about the prospect of Six Degree
Let It Scream is exactly how I imagined.
The Beast Live is actually better than I made it sound originally! Its great, although the linear notes are completely BS. :lol:

Wrathchild - what is the first Union album like? Is it as good as The Blue Room? And is the ESP thing worth buying?

Trooper - Did you get your album signed?

About the concert - I love Carnival of Souls. Although it is not a really typical Kiss sounding album, it's one of my favourites. I never imagined I'd get to hear any songs from it played live and to actually hear them was unbelievably satisfying. I can't remember the set list exactly or the order, but they did play the following;
Crazy Nights
Lick It Up
Hail Is Falling ;)
Heavens On Fire
The Jungle
Master and The Slave
I Walk Alone
Tough Love
I Still Love You
Pair Of Dice - Audio Dog
Strange To Me - Audio Dog
Change Is Coming - Audio Dog
Need Me - Audio Dog

I know there's a few I've missed but I'm sure Troops will remember them.
I was at the bar at about 3pm in the afternoon while they were rehearsing in the other room. I'm pretty certain I heard Unholy and Heart Of Chrome during that time.
The first Union album is perhaps even better than The Blue Room. The sound/production isn't as "big", but there's a lot more variety in the songs. Style wise, think Revenge era KISS meets Soundgarden with a dash of 70s Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin thrown in, especially on the acoustic stuff.

There's a lot of different pressings around. If you can, try to get the Spitfire Records reissue which includes an excellent cover of the Beatles' "Oh Darling." John's voice suits this one well :).
The Japanese version has another bonus track ("For You") which Bruce sings. Took me forever to find it in MP3!

ESP is great fun. It's Bruce, John, Eric Singer and Karl Cochran (from Ace Frehley's band) mucking around with some of their favourite 60s/70s songs. Get the reissue because it has two extra tracks (Twenty Flight Rock and Won't Get Fooled Again). Also, listen out for the Spaceman himself as a special guest on Foxy Lady :rock:

Hope this helps,

Night Of The Stormrider is my fave Iced Earth album :)

Yep I now have a signed vinyl of Asylum !!!!!! :grin:

Hide Your Heart and Shout It Out Loud were also in the set... that's all I can think of that wasn't on your list.

Carnival Of Souls rocks and Jungle and Master & Slave RULED live! Never been a fan of I Walk Alone, but its obvious he would play it, since its the only Kiss song he does lead vocals on.

Highlights for me: Hide Your Heart (YEAH!!!), Tears Are Falling, Crazy Crazy Nights and Heaven's On Fire. If only Kiss played songs like Hide Your Heart, Crazy Crazy Nights and Tears Are Falling live.

I was expecting to hear Unholy, Forever, and Creatures of the Night for some reason... oh well hehe.

Oh yeah, and the singer was great! :rock:

Oh and Wrathy... what do you think of Asylum??? I think its definitely one of the best Kiss albums! Radar For Love is a hidden gem for sure!!! A should-have-been Kiss classic! And King Of The Mountain... and even Gene's songs are great too! (Strange for the 80s non-makeup Kiss hehe) Especially Secretly Cruel and Trial By Fire. Any Way You Slice It is a bit dodgy though, the only weak track I think.
Originally posted by The Trooper
Oh yeah, and the singer was great! :rock:

Wasn't he?!! :rock:

I've downloaded the version of The Jungle from the live Union album and although good... it doesn't touch Friday nights!:rock: :rock:

I've actually always liked I Walk Alone. I'm not sure why as it's such a somber song, but it works for me.
Heheh... how much is Bruce a WAYYY better guitarist than Ace? :grin: As much as I love Ace heh.

Bruce has to be one of the most underrated guitarists around I think.
Told you you'd like it, didn't I Troops? ;). Lick it Up is my fave album from the 80s non make-up era KISS, but Asylum runs a very close second. Love's a Deadly Weapon and Radar For Love are the only poor tracks. Everything else is great!

Much like Lick It Up, the original CD sounds a bit weak IMHO. Must pick up the remasters of both ASAP.

The Lick It Up CD sounds terrible to me too... I wonder if the remaster is better. I haven't heard Asylum on CD, only vinyl.

Lick It Up is one of my worst Kiss albums... I like Vinnie's work alot on it, but the songs aren't memorable, I think the melodies are really lacking, and the production could be better. Vinnie Vincent Invasion and All Systems Go are much better in my opinion hehe. I'm sure though that there are very few people who agree with that haha.

Radar For Love a weak track?!?!? It's the best!!!! Heheh. Love's A Deadly Weapon is probably the 2nd weakest track I think, but Bruce's EXCELLENT solo saves it hehe.

I don't like Any Way You Slice It.
Originally posted by The Trooper
Heheh... how much is Bruce a WAYYY better guitarist than Ace? :grin: As much as I love Ace heh.

Bruce has to be one of the most underrated guitarists around I think.

Why Yes. Yes he is! :D

I must admit I was looking forward to hearing some Union.. The closest we got was Motley Crue's 'Poison Apples' played between sets.
Originally posted by The Trooper
Speaking of Motley Crue... I hope they come soon, they said they were gonna make up for cancelling last time.... hmmm.

Yeah that'd would be great! I still have my ticket from that tour... :lol:

I think they're on a bit of a hiatus at the moment.
Vince was also doing a solo tour..