Sydo’s New Stuffs


Apr 13, 2001
Over the past week I’ve picked up a few more albums to add to the old dust making factory in the corner of my room.

Rhapsody – Holy Thunderforce EP
The first time I heard Rhapsody was about 4 years ago on the headphone in a store. I simply laughed and laughed and laughed – then ran away embarrassed. Now my tastes have changed a little so I thought I give them another chance – but not buy an album. This has 3 tracks and I am quite happy with it. (No real hurry to buy more yet..)

Iron Maiden – Futureal + Out Of The Silent Planet singles
I wanted these for the B-sides. Evil That Men Do with Blaze and Aces High from the Ed-Hunter tour. 2 of my favourite Maiden songs.

Opeth – My Arms, Your Hearse.
I loved Blackwater Park and it was definitely time to pick up some more and it came down to a choice between this and Still Life. My Arms, Your Hearse is a cool name..
Great stuff here, easily the equal of Blackwater Park – albeit not that much different either.

Hair Of The Dog – Ignite.
I wanted Rise, but this will do. Got it because Spawn said so, and I’m really into the Hard-Rock stuff atm too. Lemmy rules too. :)

Swapped Demons & Wizards for Testament – First Strike Still Deadly.
Sorry guys, but I’ve had Demons & Wizards for about 6 months now and still never gotten into it.
First Strike Still Deadly is a "best of" from the first 2 albums, re-recorded with a more current lineup (although Scholnik returns for most leads), sound and production techniques. Although it rules and all songs sound better than the originals, some don’t touch the live versions found on Return To Apocalyptic City or Live At The Fillmore.
Originally posted by Sydo

Hair Of The Dog – Ignite.
I wanted Rise, but this will do. Got it because Spawn said so, and I’m really into the Hard-Rock stuff atm too. Lemmy rules too. :)

Swapped Demons & Wizards for Testament – First Strike Still Deadly.
Sorry guys, but I’ve had Demons & Wizards for about 6 months now and still never gotten into it.

FINALLY!!!! Hair Of The Dog RULE, dont they? :) Rise is best of course, but you have done well young Sydo :)

(Except for that bit about Demons and Wizards of course.....) :)
HOTD do rule. Like I said, I love that style of metal at the moment.

I was also going to buy the re-issued version of The Scream - Let It Scream, but that can wait.
Gotta save for Blaze and Dream Theater in the next couple of weeks..
Originally posted by Sydo
HOTD do rule. Like I said, I love that style of metal at the moment.

Gotta save for Blaze and Dream Theater in the next couple of weeks..

New Blaze **ROCKS!** :D
Originally posted by Sydo

Have you got the album, or just downloads?

Just the mp3s burned onto a cd, but I am anxiously awaiting the release still! :rock:

Btw, The Headless Children is freaking unreal! Wasp even got another mention on my journal today because of it :D

What are the glammy albums like? I dont have any of them, just the Greatest Hits with a few of the songs on it, is it worth buying the albums or have I heard all the best stuff?
The WASP glam albums are the first three really.
WASP, The Last Command and Inside The Electric Circus.

My favourite is The Last Command. Troops would be WASP. All are good in their own way, but Electirc Circus has a few bad apples..

Of course The Headless Children is freaking unreal! :rock: What did you expect? ;)
:eek: Just read your journal, re your review of the Ten album. Thank god I didn't buy it.
I was tempted after you said in an earlier entry that Ten rule! Go buy their albums!
I should also note that the Live... In The Raw is a really cool glam sounding live album. Plus is contains three songs you wont find anywhere else; The Manimal, Harder Faster and Scream Until You Like It.
Maybe check that one out, although it doesn't contain enough songs from the first 2 it's still pretty cool.:)
Originally posted by Sydo
:eek: Just read your journal, re your review of the Ten album. Thank god I didn't buy it.
I was tempted after you said in an earlier entry that Ten rule! Go buy their albums!

Ten rule! Go buy their albums! Except the latest one! :D

Methinks Ill get Live..... In the Raw too... What are the 3 extra songs like?
Originally posted by spawn

What are the 3 extra songs like?

Real Classic WASP. Some of the best Glam they have done.

"Suck Me, Suck Me, EAT ME RAW! OooOO Harderrr Fasterrr..."

WASP is my fave hehe :) Then Last Command then Electric Circus out of those 3.


What the hell are the lyrics in that part though... it sounds like "Shuck me, suck me, eat me raw..." and thats what it says on a WASP lyrics page, but other people disagree and say its "Fuck me, suck me, eat me raw" etc.. Oh well who cares really its fucking cool :D

I wouldn't really call those 3 albums glam... definitely hair metal, but its faster & heavier than glam, WAYYY more raw sounding production, nastier vocals, and the image is more shock rock than glam. To me anyway heheh.
Originally posted by The Trooper
I wouldn't really call those 3 albums glam... definitely hair metal, but its faster & heavier than glam, WAYYY more raw sounding production, nastier vocals, and the image is more shock rock than glam. To me anyway heheh.

You're probably right. Nasty Glam or something. he hee

Lets just call it... WASP!!!