Favourite songs from these Opeth albums

Feb 19, 2005
I'm sure its been done before, and sorry if it has been, but I'm bored.

Orchid- The Twilight is My Robe
Morningrise- Advent
My Arms, Your Hearse- When (also my favourite song)
Still Life- toss up between Godhead's Lament and White Cluster
Blackwater Park- Blackwater Park
Deliverance- A Fair Judgement
Damnation- To Rid the Disease
orchid- under the weeping moon
morningrise- to bid you farewell
my arms, your hearse- april ethereal
still life- moonlapse vertigo
blackwaterpark- bleak
deliverance- masters apprentices
damnation- in my time of need
Orchid - ITMSWS
Morningrise - TBYF
MAYH - Epilogue
Still Life - Moonlapse Vertigo
BWP - Harvest
Deliverance - A Fair Judgement
Damnation - Hope Leaves
Orchid - No Idea, havent heard the whole album
Morningrise - TBYF
MAYH - When (although April ethereal comes in close second)
Still Life - The Moor
Deliverance - BTPISIO
Damnation - Hope Leaves.
Orchid - Requiem
Morningrise - I Hate Hip Hop (Hidden Bonus Track)
MAYH - Prologue
Still Life - Untitled Hidden Bonus Track
BWP - Paterns In The Ivy
Deliverance - For Absent Friends
Damnation - Eevile Crueltee
Candy Corn EP - Cough of Decadent
Orchid - ---None---
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
My Arms, Your Hearse - close call between Demon Of The Fall and Credence
Still Life - Moonlapse Vertigo
Blackwater Park - close call between Bleak and The Funeral Portrait
Deliverance - Master's Apprentices
Damnation - Windowpane
Orchid - Apostle
Morningrise - Advent/Silent Water/BRI
MAYH - When
Still Life - Godhead/Moor
Deliverance - BTPISIO
Damnation - Ending Credits/Closure
Orchid - The Twilight is My Robe
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell/Black Rose Immortal
My Arms, Your Hearse - When
Still Life - Moonlapse Vertigo/Godhead's Lament/White Cluster
Blackwater Park - Blackwater Park/Bleak/The Funeral Portrait
Deliverance - Deliverance
Damnation - To Rid The Disease
Orchid - IMSWS
Morningrise - Advent/Nectar
MAYH - April Ethereal
Still Life - White Cluster
BWP - Dirge For November
Deliverance - Wreath
Damnation - Hope Leaves
Lamentations - Closure (Extended)
Candy Corn EP - The Ice Cream Song
Orchid - In Mist She Was Standing
Morningrise - Black Rose Immortal
My Arms, Your Hearse - Demon of the Fall
Still Life - The Moor
Blackwater Park - The Leper Affinity
Deliverance - Deliverance
Damnation - Windowpane
Orchid - (cant say just yet)
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
My Arms, Your Hearse - Demon of the Fall
Still Life - The Moor
Blackwater Park - The Leper Affinity
Deliverance - Deliverance
Damnation - Windowpane
Lamentations - Closure (so much better than the album version)
Orchid - The Twilight Is My Robe
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
MAYH - Karma
Still Life - Moonlapse Vertigo
BWP - The Dirge For November
Deliverance - A Fair Judgment
Damnation - Ending Credits
Orchid - Haven't got the album
Morningrise - The night and the silent water
MAYH - The Amen Corner/Epilogue
Still Life - The Moor / White Cluster
BWP - The Leper Affinity
Deliverance - A Fair judgement
Damnation - To Rid The Disease
Orchid: The Twilight is My Robe
Morningrise: Black Rose Immortal
My Arms Your Hearse: When
Still Life: The Moor
Blackwater Park: Blackwater Park
Deliverance: Deliverance
Damnation: Windowpane
Orchid - Under a Weeping Moon
Morningrise - Advent
My Arms. Your Hearse - Demon Of The Fall/ April Ethereal
Still Life - Godhead's Lament
BWP - The Lepper Affinity/ The Funeral Portrait
Deliverance - A Fair Judgement
Damnation - In My Time Of Need/ Closure
Morningrise - To Bid You Farewell
My Arms, Your Hearse - UNDECIDED
Still Life - Benighted, The Moor
Blackwater Park - Dirge For November
Deliverance - UNDECIDED
Damnation - Ending Credits

..ask me again in a week and all but Morningrise and Still Life will have changed :p
haha! zanesville. that sucks, man. im from xenia. not as bad as zanesville, but close.
*toasts crappy Ohio cities*
ORCHID - In Mist She Was Standing
MORNINGRISE - The Night and the Silent Water
STILL LIFE - Godhead's Lament/Serenity Painted Death
BLACKWATER PARK - Bleak/Blackwater Park
DELIVERANCE - Wreath/Master's Apprentices
DAMNATION - Windowpane