More years = more comedians.....


Bass Gear Geek
Nov 14, 2005
So it was my 42nd birthday :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: :yell: and I come home to a cake my wife made. The candle/headstone plays the funeral march. Very funny now, wait until her 40th birthday in September.:Spin: :loco: Payback is coming.....



Just noticed under my name is senior member. She is behind it ain't she?! :yell:

I know post count and all but really, I just noticed it.
Happy Birthday Spidey! BTW, where did she get that candle/headstone? I'd love to have that for my dad's 65th birthday in March!
She says at the Vons grocery store.
Didn't know they had an evil aisle. :loco:
Happy B-day, and be glad I ain't your kid! Well, there are several reasons for that, but the birthday related reason I'm thinking of is: I made a cake for the last of my dad's birthday's that I was in town for. I bought about a hundred candles for it, and when the family was gathered around I rolled out his oxygen/acetylin blowtorch to light it. He loved it!
wisdom comes with age!

I keep telling her that but she thinks it is smartassness. :tickled:

Tap I think the Depends idea might get me killed but I like it. :Spin:

I think the midlife crisis was going from 2 basses to 11 basses and 2 guitars. :grin:

I like the welding torch candle lighting that would have been damn funny.

Yep Aja, she can be a hoot. Sometimes she is the funniest person she knows. She really cracked herself up with this one. :loco: :tickled:

Well alright, now thanks for the birthday wishes you two, kinda makes feel funny getting that from a rock star, Aja, anyway, spidey I did, I got a Marshall JCM 2000, that one will have to last for a while. Yep and an alarm clock, butane soldering iron, yea and fax modem card.