

Aug 3, 2008
North Carolina
how did ol get the moser endorsment? i was just thinking how that bastard v is going to become emblematic of Ol, almost in the way that the explorer is of james hetfield or the king V is of dave mustaine.
Or the ML is of Dime? I'd actually like to know how Ol got the endorsment too. I'd actually like to know how Ol could afford that many mosers, they're expensive as me at least.
exactly. or how the kelly is of marty friedman, and the stealth is of chuck schuldiner. the only other person i've seen with one is in decide
I suppose it wouldn't be too hard - Ol is in a signed, fully functioning band (with a shit label) and I don't think Moser are a massive compant as, say, Jackson or Ibanez are. And Matts endorsed by Jackson, so endorsement stuff kind of comes with the territory I guess.

However I know that with Jackson you have to have owned at least two Jackson guitars for 2/3 years.
Ol's been using mosers since 05-06. well before the band was off the ground. matt was only just picked up by jackson a few months ago
The thing is, you can apply for an endorsement with a lot of Guitar companies, Drum companies...... Just because your in a band and you play professional gigs. It does not mean that they give you guitars free, it means you get some kind of percentage off on all your purchases. Obviously if you sell more and are a well known musician the endorsement changes.
Ol has been USING Mosers for awhile? Or are you daft and meant hes had the endorsement for awhile?

Dammit Zehm!!

no I mean he's been using them for a long time. I think he got the endorsment right before they got signed, right? still that's more than two years. but by now i've forgotten my point.
Ah! perhaps i should restate the question. did Ol seek out moser, or did moser go to ol and offer him an endorsment when they noticed he was using their guitars.
we have a bad name as it is. I might as well take advantage of it, for comedic effect, untill we fix our education system, loose 20lbs on average, and locate the re-incarnation of Ronald Reagan and elect him as president.
at last he chimes in! got a custom shape in mind? or just a tricked out verstion of the bastard with special pickups and a bunch of fine tuning swoitches like the old bich used to have.