Most annyoing radio hits now and then

I don't listen to radio, unless I have to. I think there's a couple of ok channels here (Meaning that they can pop a good song every once in a while between 10 more or less bad songs). But yeah...
Don't you love it how how those "biggest variety" stations always have an extremely limited idea of variety?

Totally. I was stuck listening to that station for over a year and everyone else bitched if I changed the station. I finally told my co-worker that we have to change it or I will go insane. So it was like a couple times a week I got to listen to a shitty alternative station. Which beats the shit out of hearing John Mayor and Avril Lavigne over and over.
OMG that fucked up song by metro station "shake it" if i were to kill to any song it would be that....

also that new pink song...i hate how she states "im still a rock star", it annoys me how pop now thinks that they are rock.....well theyre not......
Pink your still a "pop star" you whiny cunt!
Actually, Alice Cooper has a radio programme and he plays really cool music, but only listen to the radio in the car to the supermarket, so meh...still plenty of opportunities to listen to shit music everywhere you go it seems. The I kiss a girl song is getting annoying mostly cos I wonder how would people react if it was a guy singing he kissed a dude and he liked it, the smell of beer and cigarrettes!
Pfff, if in the radio i heard once some of the songs that you mentioned before surely i'll be glad to listen more radio, but for fucks sake here each and every radio station play pure shit, just imagine: techno, pop, rap, hip hop and others atrocities that i don't even want to mention. I don't listen to radio anymore since i was 13.
I kind of like RHCP heh, but I havent listened too much to them yet I guess :p

Anyone of you know about the swedish band Takida? They have this hit which is being played 24/7 called Curly Sue, goddamn that song is annoying. pretty much the whole song evolves around the refrain, quite similar to Here Without You by Three Doors Down I guess.