Most annyoing radio hits now and then

I am also one of those people who don't listen to radio, except occasionally (when someone else puts it on in a car or whatever). So, no radio hit has never really annoyed me, atleast not in years.
Radio =


Why bother?
Haven't listened to the radio in years. It's all mindless. These idiot programmers pump this endless bullshit out. And in the process, ruin what was once a good song. I remember when Led Zep released IV, I heard Stairway to Heaven every 20 minutes. The radio fuckin' destroyed that song. I just realized as I looked around my house, I don;t own a fuckin' radio.
But seriously.... like you said, Rush is so much more than Tom Sawyer and the Spirit of Radio...

Was in the car this weekend on an errand run, and they played Spirit of Radio. I laughed.

Incidentally, Hair of the Dog cannot be included on this list, because it has cowbell featured prominently (I mean, the beginning of the song is a veritable cowbell solo!), and all songs with cowbell are awesome. It's a scientifically proven fact. Could DOTF be a better song? Yes. With cowbell.
Alright fellas time to release that anger inside you and rant about it here!

Which radio songs annoys you the most that is currently being played, or previously been played on your local ROCK radio. (Mainstream channels are too obvious)

As for me, my vote goes on limp biscuit's (or however you spell it) Behind Blue Eyes. This song annoys me so much not only because its awful but also because its such a mainstream icon in rock. Also I should mention that sweden's "badass" radio that brags with their motto "We play what we want" plays this song all the time!

fire away!

You do actually know that that is a cover of a great song by the Who right? Of course Limp butchered it and oversimplified it in the extreme ... so that's a valid reason to hate this version. But to say the song on its own is awful ... hmm ...

Otherwise, I actually envy you guys! From what I read in this thread I was surprised of all those songs actually being played on radio stations! Over here that will never happen, maybe some of them in all time top 2000 lists that are played every year around new year, but that's it.
I actually prefer the Limp Bizkit version - the middle part on the original just sounds so out of context...
Incidentally, Hair of the Dog cannot be included on this list, because it has cowbell featured prominently (I mean, the beginning of the song is a veritable cowbell solo!), and all songs with cowbell are awesome. It's a scientifically proven fact. Could DOTF be a better song? Yes. With cowbell.

That song did more to ruin the reputation of cowbells everywhere than any other. I hate it out of love for the cowbell.
this doesn't only apply to radio though.
i hate it just the same when there's a party at a friend's house and all they play are either techno, "funny" songs (which are by far the lamest excuse for music this world has to offer) and then towards 1 or 2 in the morning, when "good" music comes on, like sabbath, skynyrd, zep etc., all they play are paranoid, free bird, stairway to heaven.
and they just play the songs over and over again, and you're like "douches, buy a fucking cd, you know there's more than one song on 'em."

Soulja boy, or however you spell that fuckheads name. Such a piece of shit, he's not even a musician. He is an atrocious person. I laughed when I read his website, myspace etc got hacked. Serves the cunt right, I wish death upon that idiotic and pathetic waste of space.
True story: I called a radio station out in Chicago The Mix its called. Total shit radio station. They claimed ask for ANY artist and a song and they will play it. I asked for Closure from Opeth and the DJ was like wtf is that?

Didn't surprise me but wanted to see what the retard had to say about it
True story: I called a radio station out in Chicago The Mix its called. Total shit radio station. They claimed ask for ANY artist and a song and they will play it. I asked for Closure from Opeth and the DJ was like wtf is that?

Didn't surprise me but wanted to see what the retard had to say about it
Don't you love it how how those "biggest variety" stations always have an extremely limited idea of variety?
the radio never plays anything good, and it somehow manages to play shit music from every possible genre without ever spinning something good