Most brutal underground band?

Narg n Lamb said:
By far the worst shit ever, All I hear is noise and the singer needs to speak the fuck up so I can hear what the fuck he's saying..

yea thats about as bad as it gets.

The craziest you can get that makes sence, and still kicks tons of ass, is Nile. But thats me.

You don't listen to brutal death for melody and catchiness (although their second song has a decently catchy riff). You listen to it for its strong sense of rhythm and to be aurally beaten to a pulp.
I think Order From Chaos is pretty brutal but I'm not into brutal death so alot of the bands already listed is probably alot more brutal.
for brutality in undergound BLACK METAL check out:

UNLORD!!!:kickass: :kickass:

gr8 stuff...specially their albums - Schwarzwald & Lord of Beneath...