Most embarrassing situation listening Children of Bodom

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New Metal Member
Jul 13, 2008
I have 2, first, I tried to enter in to the prison (hey, I worked there, don’t think bad…) and I was in the car with COB totally noisy and the police in the entrance stopped at me like I was somebody crazy and didn’t let me to enter! Then I had to explain that I was a formal employee there but everybody looks at me different at work now…they found out my dark side. Ha,ha :Saint:

The other was similar, I was with very important people from London University, my boss was trying to persuade them to make a congress in my city. They were telling them "how formal and polite she had been all the sightseeing and the interview" when my mobile started with bodom after midnight, I tried to set off it but I was so nervous that I couldn’t!! I’ll never forget my boss’ face. At the end….they accepted to do de congress in my city. Sure they also liked the good music :rock:
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