Most Special Maiden Show Ever!


Apr 14, 2008
I just had to post a review of the Saturday Irvine show tonight. If you were there, you know what I mean. This was one for the books! Bruce was completely bonkers! He became obsessed with the balls that were floating around. Best Wasted Years ever! I hope someone filmed this. The rant was great. Bruce said, "Welcome to the family." Someone kicked a beach ball on stage. He skipped some words so he can go off and chase the ball. Then he got the ball and kept singing. After the ball went back in the audience, he said, "Get that ball back over here."

Once an enormous beach ball went on stage and he grabbed it and said something like that, "Its mine now." Then he kicked it back in.

This was some of the funniest shit I have ever seen in my life!

When they were starting Can I Play With Madness, Bruce stopped it on the beginning part because Adrian sneezed. Haha. I'm not joking. Bruce said, "You sneezed. We got to start over." He cracks up laughing. The audience starts laughing. It was fuckin hilarious! The he says, "Ok stop laughing. This is heavy metal. GRRRR!" Amazing!

Even Bruce said at one point of the show, "This is our favorite night of the tour."

Oh yeah. During The Clairvoyant, a girl slowly strolls on stage totally wasted. Bruce puts his arm around her, and gently walks her to the side of the stage where she exits to go backstage. He then looks at some bandmates and shrugs his shoulders like, "What the hell was that?" I think misses a few words then back to singing.

This whole show was nutty! It was so much fun, yet they still played solid as ever. The Hallowed rocked mega hard and blew my mind. Then at the very end, the fireworks didn't actually go off, and you heard a sizzle sound and a few sparks.

This was a truly special show. One to be remembered!

Bruce you are my hero! I love you!
This was no question the best Iron Maiden performance I have ever seen! Blew away Friday night. Blew away the Forum gig. And has blown away every Maiden show I have seen in my life dating back 20 years. I usually complain about set lists and what not. But for some magical reason this show just clicked. Everything was PERFECT. I was 3rd row center and was literally in awe the entire time. I wish someone could have gotten Sharon Osbourne and strapped her to a seat and made her watch this shit. Ozzy was great but I don't care what anyone says no band will ever touch the greatness of Iron Maiden. Best Metal band of all time no question about it. Black Sabbath may have started metal but Iron Maiden too it over and created an artform.

The stage show was incredible, they sounded perfect. The audience was great, Bruce was in a great mood. You just couldn't ask for any better of a performance. I official bow down to Iron Maiden and pray they can keep going for another 10 years! :notworthy

On a side note. Anthrax to me personally was pretty lame. They have some new singer and some guitar player that replaced Danny Spitz. The new singer all but copies every stage move from Phil Anselmo from Down. He sounds like John Bush. I just don't understand Anthrax. They used to be so bad ass. Then they got rid of joey for bush and the music started changing from Thrash to more hard rock etc. Then they get back to gether last year with the original line up and those shows were amazing. Then after everything appeared to be going so well they get rid of Danny Spitz and Joey Bellendonna. I just can't take this new line up seriously. And by the reaction to the crowd no many other people did either. Anthrax should just change their name or give up.

What ever though Iron Maidena are the gods of metal. Judas Priest might be cool but they can't even be used in same sentence as Iron Maiden!
Totally agree about this show. I attended the Phoenix, Friday and Sat. and This was by far the best show of them. I think Bruce sounded the best I've ever heard at the Forum gig, but this show was just amazing.:rock:

After seeing the first two this week I thought about NOT going last night. SO glad I didn't keep that thought!
I've seen Iron Maiden plenty of times over the past 27 years, including their first Long Beach show in 1981 (Killers tour, opening for UFO). I have to say that Sat night's show was the best Iron Maiden performance I have seen since night 4 (Sunday) of the Long Beach Arena shows in 1985 (portions of which appear on the Live After Death record/cd).
I felt Anthrax plain sucked! Just noise! That singer couldn't sing if his life depended on it. He had no vocal ability at all.

This Saturday Irvine show was a true Maiden performance. You really got to see Bruce's personality come out, as an all around incredible guy. He was hilarious and joked more than I've ever seen him.

In fact, the entire band, seemed more human and down to earth, and you really saw what Iron Maiden is: Great guys making great music, all for the sake of a great time! They go far beyond the Metal category. They are the best in any category. The tie Yes to me for my favorite band of all time!

A show like this one proves that you can't know Maiden, unless you've seen them. You just can't get it from the albums, you have to see it live. The British nutty humour doesn't come out in the albums like it does live.

Search youtube for videos of this night. You got to see the Wasted Years and The Clairvoyant.
I can agree with the whole review post of the saturday show, being on the barrier the whole night, wasn't even being moved or anything, standing between Dave and Adrian the whole night, right next to the infamous Red Shirt.

Then the girl in the crowd just shaking her t***, and bruce trying to sing without laughing. The little infamous pot scene between jannick and dave.

The pit was so calm it was so enjoyable as compared to friday night just watching the madness down there, i heard steve gave it to security after friday nights show.

One of the most amazing concerts i saw, out of the 5 i have seen on this tour that had to be the best one of all of them.

Later on this week i will be posting some video from the friday night show i shot with my camcorder.

Hey Pete. I looked for you at the show. Couldn't find your shiny head.

Can you elaborate on this:

"Then the girl in the crowd just shaking her t***, and bruce trying to sing without laughing. The little infamous pot scene between jannick and dave."
I just have to say this...BRILLIANT!!!! hehehe...

Absolute stunning show. Friday's show was great and I got to meet and sit next Peterp, but then for Saturday I walk down into the pit area and head over to the Dave Murray side of the stage and I see Peterp at the rail (I had no idea he had a pit ticket so it was totally unexpected). Nonetheless, way cool! So I squeezed in next to him and quickly learned that Kohn is two people over to the right. Nice! A quick holler to meet only to have a quick laugh on the fact we're again two people apart. The sound was excellent down there. Watching Dave Murray getting into his jams up close is really cool. He does this mouth movement that is a sure sign he's getting into it and loving it. It's just like the way Sara does with jumping and hair flinging...getting into it and loving it! Every member came over to this side and let me tell you, when they're 3 feet away, it's an amazing site and you realize that it was worth every penny spent for the ticket! The boob flashing was more than that. She was sitting on somebodies shoulders in the Orch seats behind us, took off her top and was showing off and touching seductively. With the exception of Nicko, I think all the members saw the fondling and were speechless but had a look at eachother like "Crazy but funny wild stuff!" It was actually pretty funny to see their reaction. Another seen not mentioned was during the sing-a-long for Heaven Can Wait when the fans came on, there was one guy doing air guitar right next to Dave Murray and Bruce was watching and facing them and he's got this look like "Look at this guy playing air guitar next to Dave when he should be doing a sing-a-long and Dave is kinda laughing at it like this guys having an awesome time playing air guitar next to me. Another thing I noticed (I'm not guitar player here so this may be something others already know) is on the intro to Hollowed, Dave doesn't use his pic. He put the pic in his mouth and used his thumb and index finger simultaneously on the strings. I just thought that was cool to notice how he did that. I'd have to agree with Peterp in that the pit area was very calm where we were. Not once we got a shove. The guy to my left was cool too (if you're out there, post on this BB!). Peterp to my right, and the guy on my left, we all scored on getting guitar pics (plectrums for you Metallicat). I walked away with one from Dave Murray and one from Adrian Smith. Happy camper here! On leaving I ran into Jeff Milne and somebody that I can't recall the name of (sorry duder). In the parking lot I ran into Mel. It was good to see and chat with her since I hadn't seen her in a while. All in all, absolute BRILLIANT time and great time hanging with ya Peterp!
Brilliant indeed. I had the stupidest grin on my face the whole night... I still do!

In one word... BRILLIANT!

I missed Lauren Harris (sorry, after having seen her in Phoenix, I didn't feel the need to be there again). Anthrax wasn't as good as I know they can be. The new singer was trying to sound like the original singers from song to song, and his stage banter was downright stupid. Please bring John Bush back... The guitar player is Rob Caggiano, who was in the lineup with John Bush. Very sweet guy, met him after a show at the Whisky a couple of years ago.

I noticed that the pit was much calmer than the night before. I didn't notice any body surfing and just one minor pit stage-left. I wonder if after Steve had to yell at that stupid moron the night before, Maiden management told security to be more involved?

I had a wonderful time. It was indeed one for the books.

Thanks again Iron Maiden.
Another thing I noticed (I'm not guitar player here so this may be something others already know) is on the intro to Hollowed, Dave doesn't use his pic. He put the pic in his mouth and used his thumb and index finger simultaneously on the strings. I just thought that was cool to notice how he did that.

Dave's always done that! :lol: I do that myself when I'm playing Hallowed! ;) It's just easier. I wonder if Sara does it... :u-huh:

Congrats on the plecs too! :kickass: Sounds like it was one helluva night!!

ROLL ON TWICKENHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Maiden is always good, but this night was just more like they seemed really comfortable, like they were playing a private party. It seemed like Bruce just wanted to laugh it up instead of getting serious into his character at times. I can't honestly say musically or vocally is was better than Concord a few nights before, but this night was definitely something magical and special. There was so much love coming off the stage and bouncing back at them. I hope the videos can capture this for those who weren't there.

Can anyone else add to this? You agree there was something unique about this show, and its not just that it rocked or Bruce sang well or they played their instruments better, right?
Bruce looked to his right at Adrianne and said wait wait wait. 'Arry kept singing without noticing this. When Bruce was talking about a guy sneezing, he was refferring to Adrianne. Thats how it looked to me.