Why did the butler do it?

What did the butler do?

Why am I not having sex at this moment?

Why do people make funeral doom?

To stick it up the Rich folks.

Stuck it up the rich folks.

Cause i'm not there.

Cause it's the only sounds 4 bassists and a drum machine can make.
CliffBurton said:
1) To to encourage buying more buns, then more wieners, then more buns, to make more profit.

2) Alot of Bread is Circular, i prefer it that way personnaly, as for square bread, the charpe is stronger, and easyer to cut when fresh. The Intestinal tract of animals in whihc most meats are place are circualr, thus the meat is circular.

3) Gravitational pull (as mentioned on the simpsons), the water will turn a certain direction depending on which side of the equater you are on.

4) Because she is not real, and is a plastic Doll. Children who play with Barbies are generally young and dont have a use for a bra, thus dont see the point in having one on the doll.

5) No, no he wont.

Psht keep 'em coming.

You are good.
-Gavin- said:
Cause it's the only sounds 4 bassists and a drum machine can make.


This whole thread reminds of that age old question that no one seemed to have an acceptable answer for...

If you shove a sausage up a pig, is it necrophilia?

Deadnight Warrior87 said:
How much wood could a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

Holly.R.Wells said:
WHy is bread square and sandwhich meat round?

thats the way it rises when its baked since most bread is baked in rectangular breadpans (biggest loaves cooked evenly throughout.) rolls and buns are round. besides, what kind of shitty assed, Upton Sinclair lunch meats are you eating man? my turkey, roast beef, ham or chicken are most certainly not round.
Holly.R.Wells said:

Why are weiners made in packs of 12 and buns in packs of 8?

WHy is bread square and sandwhich meat round?

Why does the toilet water always spin the same way?

Why is barbies underwear the same colour as her skin and WHY DONT SHE WEAR A BRA?

When will Wyle Coyote catch Roadrunner?

weiners n buns are found in packs of any amount. jus depends where u gottem.

bread can be round n sandwhich meat square

toilet water goes down? really? gravity perhaps?! :loco:

arent barbie bras n panties available nowadays? :hypno:

well whatever ...
here's one for you now, Holly.R.Wells ...

Why make things simple if u can make em complicated ... huh?