Move over Geezer Butler and Steve Harris!!

If a musician can't meet a band's quality standards, I highly doubt they'd let him play, regardless of how good of friends they are.

I'm also fairly certain that Steve didn't want to be on the new Vintersorg because it's not a style that he likes to play too much.

how do you know that it isnt the style he likes to play much? are you a personal freind of his?

I have seen lots of bands letting freinds do stuff with other musicians that are not up to par on the same level of skill. I think you live on some weird plain of existence where musicians are some higher species or something. They are normal people like everyone else...I have seen some odd guest stars in disc that I would never thought that I would see, they did it because they were freinds...not because they thought that they were on the same skill level.