Movie DVDs haul


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Had some Best Buy gift cards & some holiday cash to burn, so I felt like beefing up my DVD collection. Look at these classics:


Classic horror, groundbreaking special-effects


I don't have high expectations, but I give Gilliam the benefit of doubt, and it was on sale.


I'm a HUGE Vince Vaughn fan, and this is very clever; for $6.99, I couldn't go wrong.


'nuff said


again, 'nuff said; opted for the 1DVD cheapie as opposed to the deluxe ed.


never seen this, but it's supposed to be a classic


Criminally underrated John Carpenter flick, scary as fuck.


One of my all-time favorite movies.


'nuff said; Walken's finest hour IMO. 2DVD special ed. (for only $10)


Classic. In the words of Exodus, this is "good, friendly, violent fun."


2DVD deluxe ed; classic Sergio Leone spaghetti western.


JayK convinced me I needed to see this again, and for $10, why not?


Quite possibly my favorite film from when I was a kid; 2DVD deluxe ed.


Also never seen this and have been dying to; only $12; 2DVD deluxe ed.

Whattya think?
Cool stuff :cool: I really didn't see why everyone slated The Brothers Grimm so much. I enjoyed it!

For me I've got this christmas - Der Golem, Sympathy For Mr Vengance, In The Mood For Love, The Descent, The Third Man, Dawn Of The Dead Remake, and Dawn Of The Dead original theatrical cut (only had director's cut), and arriving in the post soon are Donnie Darko Directors Cut, Team America, Box Of The Banned (w/Zombie Flesh Eater, I Spit On Your Grave, Nightmare In A Damaged Brain, and a few others I already have), Night otLD Remake, Bubba Hotep, and A Bitterweet Life. Can't waitto watch them all :cool:
I would LOVE that Box of the Banned!

Unfortunately, Best Buy isn't the type of place that has a TON of rare/cool/cult-type movies, so you take what you can get. I had the special ed. of Bubba Hotep in my hands, too, but put it down. I almost bought High Tension and Oldboy as well, but tried to limit myself to movies that were $15 or less (and those were both over $20).

Russell, this is something probably you or JayK can answer...I'm purchasing a new Philips DVD642 DVD player, which not only auto-transfers PAL to NTSC, but also has a remote-programmable region-free function, so basically, I'll finally be able to watch whatever movies I want, without having to worry about where they come from, etc.

Is there a good distro/online shop you know of that specializes in cool foreign films? I'm mostly into horror/sci-fi/westerns/war flicks.
damn dude ... you don't fool around when you go shopping.

Is there a good distro/online shop you know of that specializes in cool foreign films? I'm mostly into horror/sci-fi/westerns/war flicks.

try ... they should have pretty much everything you want
MadeInNewJersey said:
I would LOVE that Box of the Banned! in the UK has it for £10 here ($17 + postage), may be worth a look if you don't have any of the movies. I have three of them already, but since it's half the price of many full price DVDs I thought I'd get it anyway :cool:

MadeInNewJersey said:
Russell, this is something probably you or JayK can answer...I'm purchasing a new Philips DVD642 DVD player, which not only auto-transfers PAL to NTSC, but also has a remote-programmable region-free function, so basically, I'll finally be able to watch whatever movies I want, without having to worry about where they come from, etc.

Is there a good distro/online shop you know of that specializes in cool foreign films? I'm mostly into horror/sci-fi/westerns/war flicks.

That's similar to my player as I have. I use a lot, based on Lee_B's recommendation, never had any problems with them, plus they're really, really cheap. Most of the other distros I use are UK based, so would be very expensive for you ATM with the weak dollar I'm afraid. I've heard good things about tho :) Sorry I can't be more help..
TIME BANDITS!!! :kickass:

i buy very few DVDs. Simpsons boxsets and the occasional classic that i know i'll watch 2495824 times, but other than that, Netflix takes care of me. oh, and Time Bandits falls under the "occasional classic" btw, i of course own that. :loco:
Yeah, I buy too many movies as well, but I just LOVE having a nice collection; I just reorganized my entire collection into the following genres:

comic book/TV


I will admit that MOST movies I own, I've not watched more than once. lol
the only time i ever find a nice collection coming in handy is when i have guests over. i don't really have many people over here, and the ones i do are content watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail for the 2934325th time.

i probably own 20 DVDs, not including Lord of the Rings and Simpsons boxsets, those add up to like 65 single DVDs alone.
i have about 100-120 movies ... only buy and keep ones that have some special connection to me ... and will watch numreous times.

I do have every single Scorsese movie minus Age of Innocence ...
unbreakable, jacob's ladder, in the mouth of madness, and last of the mohicans=THUMBS UP!!!!!!!!

thin red line=thumbs WAY down. watching people think about war isn't cool