movie rants: mulholland drive

that's all Lynch does now-a-days...

i just think of that creepy guy saying, "I'm David Lynch... and i think there should be a scene where the two girls make out... and get naked... and YES YES, they make love. But the scene should just go on and on... and maybe we flash back to it a few times. yes... yes.... <glazed eyes> but but, it's for the art of it."
the film was alright, I'm certainly not one to worship it. But it's admirable for its buoyancy and what not.
I have the DVD in my computer right now. I tried to watch it while I was cleaning my room, but I gave up...I think you need to actually see everything that's happening and pay attention. I'll weigh in after I watch it. :)
Man, everybody jumps on Lynch's case about that scene. If it had been heterosexual noone would give it a second thought.

I think that movie is great. Dozens of clues to a definitive explanation that doesn't exist.
back from the dead.

I saw this movie only once. but I'm pretty sure the blonde girl is dreaming. in real life she's a bad actor, in the dream a magnificent one; she's has a neurotic relationship withthe brunette who is getting married and doesn't love her anymore; in the dream they're in love and getting it on.

the rest of the details fall in line with this -- but not all of these details are sequential or a part of the dream /// This is it in basic.

not sure if this post makes sense, but there you have it.
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ok thanks, that makes a little sense, but still so much makes NO sense. why is that creppy guy behind the diner in the dream and in real life? what's the deal with the key in real life? argh. this would be a good movie if it wasn't so confusing.
Oh, I think that's the beautiful thing about Mulholland Drive. If you come up with one distinct solution you're forcing a number of details into it against their will. I think the puzzle without an actual answer is so much cooler.

Go read Ubik by Philip K. stirred up the same kinds of things in me...