mp3 from Revile (IRE)

Interesting, though we want to hear the whole songs! what is this sample stuff? I'm sure your record sales wont suffer from 2 full mp3's...:err:
oe said:
Interesting, though we want to hear the whole songs! what is this sample stuff? I'm sure your record sales wont suffer from 2 full mp3's...:err:

There is a full song to download from the website, it's called Green Million Miles.
oe said:
Interesting, though we want to hear the whole songs! what is this sample stuff? I'm sure your record sales wont suffer from 2 full mp3's...

Cheers for the comments everyone..... we will probably put a full song up this week at some stage, we just wanted to see if anyone was interested!

As falconspirit said, there is one full song on our website but thats taken from our previous e.p.