MP3 Player Recommendations?


Mar 24, 2007
Fife, Scotland
Filled up my trusty Sony NWHD5 so looking at picking up something new now, looking for:

Decent build quality
Good battery life
Decent memory (40GB+, expanding it by using a Micro SD card seems to be the ticket here)

Been looking at:
Cowon X9 - AWESOME battery life, resistive touch screen is apparently a bit crap.

Samsung Galaxy Player - Looks much better to use, decent screen. Nowhere near the battery life though.

Any other ideas?
I've been really happy with my iPod classic. Well i had one prpblem where the hard drive started breaking. And it's a nightmare to fix yourself.

But 160gb storage is great. And I actually got an used iPod classic 120gb for 60e before I tried fixing the old one.
iPod - still more or less the best portable players. People still use something else for that, too?

How much space exactly would you need?
Yeah looking like ipod classic is maybe the way to go, I hate the whole thumbwheel thing but I guess I'll just get used to it.

I've filled my old HD5 (20GB) so I'm looking to replace everything that was on that plus plenty of room to expand. The 160GB seems a bit overkill tbh but I guess it just gives me more room to expand my music collection indefinitely!
I'd go for iPod classic if you want everything on a hard drive. I've been using mine for over 7 years and it still works. Battery isn't what it once was, obviously though.

Tbh I'd probably recommend something with a smaller HD and a streaming service like iTunes Match/spotify/google etc. I've been using iTunes Match and I'm dead happy with it. Bit fiddly if you have over 25,000 songs in your library unless you're organised. Everything's going towards streaming/cloud.
Ipods always sounded nasty to me, you can hear the converters distorting. They might have fixed this on the newer ones but the Cowons always sounded nicer to me.