MP3 Turntable?


May 6, 2004
I still have a ton of vinyl that hardly gets played anymore. Few of these albums are rarities that never got released in cd format and a lot are albums that I'm just not going to repurchase.
I've been looking at turntables that convert into mp3s. Has anybody done this yet? If so, any recommendations?
Well..... if you are willing to take the time to record it all song by song, buying that turntable isn't necessary. If you have RCA inputs on your sound card, you can hook up a standard turntable and use a wav recording software to record each song. You can then convert the wav files into MP3. I won't say it's "easy" to do that, but you don't have to be a sound engineer either. If you are interested, I can help you out more with it. Send me a PM.


I still have a ton of vinyl that hardly gets played anymore. Few of these albums are rarities that never got released in cd format and a lot are albums that I'm just not going to repurchase.
I've been looking at turntables that convert into mp3s. Has anybody done this yet? If so, any recommendations?
The Sound Editor component of Roxio's Easy Media Creator is an excellent tool for this job. You can simply line-in to your PC, and record the entire side of an LP to either .wav or .mp3 format. You can then insert trackbreaks to divide the file, name the files, then save the entire batch in one operation. You can also equalize the tracks and apply effects to dampen the clicks and pops from the LP.
I still have a ton of vinyl that hardly gets played anymore. Few of these albums are rarities that never got released in cd format and a lot are albums that I'm just not going to repurchase.
I've been looking at turntables that convert into mp3s. Has anybody done this yet? If so, any recommendations?

If you have already purchased the content on vinyl then you should be able to download the songs off the net for your own use. You have paid for the intellectual content.

There is a turntable on the market by ION that connects directly to a USB port on your computer, and comes with the software necessary to convert to MP3 format, and I saw it this weekend at Circuit City for $149. Might be worth checking out.
I use a standard turntable (which I bought at a flea market) with either one of the two options:

1) Through my stereo, and use the Tape Out to the Line In of my sound card
2) Through a pre-amp (used Radio Shack device bought at a flea market, but you can buy new ones that are similar on line) and plug directly to the Line In of my sound card.

For recording - I use either Creative WaveStudio (an older version) or GoldWave.

GoldWave is good for removing tape hiss (reel to reel or cassette tapes) or pops/crackles (scratched records). To convert to MP3s, I use an old version of MusicMatch or CDex.

At times, I've also used TotalRecorder, which allows you to look at the input volume to make sure its loud enough and not too loud.

If you want more info, PM me.
There is a turntable on the market by ION that connects directly to a USB port on your computer, and comes with the software necessary to convert to MP3 format, and I saw it this weekend at Circuit City for $149. Might be worth checking out.

I've seen that thing advertised as well. I'm really curious as to how well they work, since I didn't recognize the manufacturer. (I hate it when that happens.... "Who the heck is 'Olevia'? Or 'Vizio'?")