

Interesting, I'm not sure what to make of it. I like the guitar work (as well as the trademark Power Quest keyboards), but it sounds like Alessio is singing quite a bit above his natural vocal range, which means the vocals don't sound as good as they did in WOF. Also, the pre-chorus sounds a tad too "happy"; in a sappy way rather than the energetic Helloween/Hammerfall style "happy" sound that I assume you were going for. It's interesting that you used so many dotted-crotchet-followed-by-quaver rhythms in the vocal melodies, that came as quite a surprise. I kind of like those, but I hope you didn't overuse them in the album as a whole! :p All in all, a good song, I just felt I ought to make those minor criticisms clear. Whatever nitpicks I might have, it's growing on me with every listen. :)

Temple of Fire! It's awesome! Cause I've been listening to the one minute clip kind of non-stop these days, it's really nice of the band to offer the full track! It's so sad the albums aren't distributed properly in Sweden. I live in Stockholm, and I've searched all the big CD stores (as well as some small ones) and WOF is nowhere to be found. Sucks!

Hopefully Now and Then has a better distribution deal with foreign countries than Underground Symphony. Otherwise I'll have to go to Japan to get the new album!
