

New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2006
Ok, I've been thinking about The whole MP3 thing again. What I was wondering was, what do all of you think think about the sharing and downloading of music files from different sources throughout the internet? I know that Metallica is against it aswell as Greenday, a band that is mildly ok with it would be Nickleback and I have heard that some people think its a good way for up and coming bands to spread there music arround and perhaps end up getting a record deal. While this does make sence to me ialso understand the fact that bands loose a lot of money because of someone downloading one song off a disk as opposed to buying the disk for the one song. Yet again I ask "What do you think?"
there are also a lot of bands who share their mp3's on their own site.. And ofcourse the band needs money, but they also get that from shirts, live concerts etc.
I also listen a lot of downloaded music, but when i really like a band.. such as aa.. i buy their albums. And for bands like metallica it is only about the money.. well if they want to sell more albums instead of people who download it.. make the fuckin albums cheaper (cause they are in Holland too expensive)
If I haven't heard a band before, I'd like to know what they sound like before I buy anything of theirs. Just a single song off an album is enough for me!!
Buying a CD for the sole purpose of supporting the band is naive, bands usually get only like $1 for every CD sold while the record label gets the rest. If you want to support the bands you like, go see them at their concerts and buy their merch and shit there. Not only do they get more money out of that, you'll also mentally support them by being there.
some cds are hard to find here .. such as AA ... personally I heard about them through a friend and because this is a smaller city most of the music the stores here sell is either pop, rap, or country :p sometimes when I order something it dosen't evin show up lol
L33ch said:
Buying a CD for the sole purpose of supporting the band is naive, bands usually get only like $1 for every CD sold while the record label gets the rest. If you want to support the bands you like, go see them at their concerts and buy their merch and shit there. Not only do they get more money out of that, you'll also mentally support them by being there.

It's not just about the money. Without record sales the band wont even be out on tour, or even get to record another CD.
Asamith said:
some cds are hard to find here .. such as AA ... personally I heard about them through a friend and because this is a smaller city most of the music the stores here sell is either pop, rap, or country :p sometimes when I order something it dosen't evin show up lol

This is a good point. Anyone tried getting their hands on OSFGH lately? You can't, unless you download it. If the label no longer is the underwriter of the band and chooses to not make more copies of an existing cd, sometimes this is the only way. I'm just using OSFTGH as an example - I have it, but I know how hard it is to get ANY AA album here, never mind this specific one. Some of us can only get the CDs on-line, but that requires a credit card or such a thing, that not everyone has access to.
In the olden days, there used to be radio shows that would play whole vinyl albums w/o interruption so that you could record it all on cassette (damn, I'm old). I don't understand how that's any different...maybe production cost?
For the record, I myself only download to get "a taste" of a band, then if I like it, I buy the CD.
ya but like i said one of the biggest problems i have is getting cds here from other places, or dvd's or anything. usually if they dont have it you can order it but then its 6 weeks and you arent evin guarenteed it will come to the right place :p. or like when my friend went to order one he ordered it and came back in 6 weeks and they said that he hadent been there before and he had to order it again :p sometimes lie is a hassle :p
Asasmith, then you just order online. There is no excuse for not being able to find any album, you jus't don't know where to look.
I buy most my cd's from They have all Amon Amarth cd's, including Vs. The World with the bonus cd imported from the US.

I actually spend most of my money on cd's. Sometimes it feels a little stupid to buy a piece of plastic for 100-200 kr but the feeling you get from listening to your newley bought cd is somehow unbeatable IMO.
If there is only one good song on the whole album, then the band does not loose any money through me, since I wouldn't buy the album anyway. So basically it wouldn't matter if I downloaded it or not. If I couldn't, I still wouldn't buy the album.
I usually download mp3 to see if I like it. If I do, I go out to buy the CD. If I don't I delete the songs. So to me downloading mp3's is more like previewing the songs in full length and quality, as you would do in a shop. And I know that many of my friends do the same.

I believe, that I bought more CD's that way, then I would have without mp3's.

(Still waiting for a reprint of "Sorrow throughout the nine worlds" by the way, it's still missing in my Amon Amarth "Collection" :) )
F_Slim said:
(Still waiting for a reprint of "Sorrow throughout the nine worlds" by the way, it's still missing in my Amon Amarth "Collection" :) )
Is it going to happen? I mean is it announced or anything or are you just hopeing?