mp3 or cd?


Damned in Flames
Nov 13, 2010
Since purchasing a Zune player two years ago I have moved away from listening to cds. I'm not one for illegal downloading of music, but I am wrestling with whether it is worth it to start purchasing new releases in mp3 format via the zune marketplace or amazon rather than purchasing an actual cd. Mp3 downloads are cheaper, but I do like security of actually owning a physical copy of the cd. On the other hand I have started to run out of storage space for cds, and once I rip them to my computer I really don't use or look at the cd case again. What do you guys think? Is it time to join the digital age? Is owning a physical copy of a cd/dvd a thing of the past?
ah well I understand. It's cheaper to buy online tunes on mp3 than the actual cd, right? Iam not judging anyone who does that but it doesn't work for me anyhow..
well I grew up with Cd's and I will always buy Cd's and listening to them.
I want to read the booklet or the liner notes what the fuck ever.
It gives me something.
Well said.

I love looking through liner notes, especially when there's cool stuff on the inside. A good example is just about ANY Nile album. There's just so much information in the liner notes that provides backgrounds to the riffs, songs, everything!

CD > MP3
Really Depends...For bands that I like I will purchase the CD (this is most cases) But I will purchase Digital, if it's a band I'm only a little bit into or only want a song or two. Also I'll purchase digital if my CD is missing that extra song that Japan gets, like I did with Evile.
CDs suck. I don't have enough room for them! lol
The physical format is a novelty

If I'm buying -new- music, yes, I'll buy the CD (as long as the shipping isn't too bad) but I don't buy much music.
Vinyl for old music and some new music if I can.
Really Depends...For bands that I like I will purchase the CD (this is most cases) But I will purchase Digital, if it's a band I'm only a little bit into or only want a song or two. Also I'll purchase digital if my CD is missing that extra song that Japan gets, like I did with Evile.

This is one area where purchasing digitally does have an advantage. I can purchase imports like say Tokyo Warhearts by COB a lot cheaper digitally than in any record store.