WAV -> MP3 converter

Genius Gone Insane

Aug 19, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
www. ̄\(°_o)
Anyone know of a free converter that does wav to mp3 conversions WITHOUT cds? I've got CD-xtractor but you can only do it w/ cds. I'm always trying to get my stuff to mp3 but i'm rather sick of having to burn to cd first in order to extract. No, I'm not going to pay $20 for that shit. Any help?
Genius Gone Insane said:
Anyone know of a free converter that does wav to mp3 conversions WITHOUT cds? I've got CD-xtractor but you can only do it w/ cds. I'm always trying to get my stuff to mp3 but i'm rather sick of having to burn to cd first in order to extract. No, I'm not going to pay $20 for that shit. Any help?
Apple iTunes will do it all. download it free for PC here.
LAME! I believe 3.97 was just released recently. Using anything other than lame is audio suicide if you want good mp3s.
gumplunger said:
LAME! I believe 3.97 was just released recently. Using anything other than lame is audio suicide if you want good mp3s.
nonsense my boy.. don't believe the hype :loco:

i use LAME when i bounce my mixes directly to mp3 with Digital Performer.. it is integrated into the OS and shows up in the bounce options after you install the LAME plug in.... and i can't hear a difference from the test i made using iTunes to encode a wave at the same bitrate... there just isn't a difference.... and if you get an iPod you'll already have the software going. great studio tool, the iPod... easy to listen to mixes while comparing to tons of other things and to take around to listen on multipe systems all over.. still being able to quickly compare... using either the iPod connector, the mini-jack to RCA connectors,, or a $40 FM transmitter attachement... killer reference tool).

for the record, i'm not using LAME with iTunes like Kazrog mentioned above.