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Gods a bloke, and heres the proof: wimmen have to rear the kids and do housework while blokes get to drink beer and be manly. Its only logical
Bambi said:
Gods a bloke, and heres the proof: wimmen have to rear the kids and do housework while blokes get to drink beer and be manly. Its only logical

i guess God would be immune to alcohol. So some ppl in this forum (hint hint) are nearly divine basicly ;)
but thats not irony either, maybe wimmen dont understand irony, which would supports dons theory of uniformity across the gender
that's dogma by kevin smith. really good comedy (makes fun of all christian things and that). rent it!
kevin smith? mascu-feminist betrayer. i reckon he wanted to shag alanis so he gave her the role.
Nah I knew a few ppl whove been killed/fuckedup/ locked up/whatever over the nordie thing so its no fun for entertainment :erk: , mind you I bought platoon, hamburger hill , and full metal jacket and watched 'em all over two nights, I were shellshocked after that o_O

i also got the wicker man directors cut on dvd for dirt cheap, if ye have'nt seen it do so, chris lee at his best. what else have I got?? bites dog, training day, hellraiser, kurosawa films, lock stock, pulp fiction, etc etc and i did like the crying game, i dunno wot i like, i dont really have the time to watch films.
lock stock is ace! so is snatch and the mean machine! Vinny Jones is real good and he was a football player. The mean machine is about football in prison, dead funny, MAN movie!
Mariner said:
typically. women always want to win the competition. they will try to look cute with 2 kilos makeup. then they will tie their hair together in a way its fashionable. bah.

No way, bah! I don't use make-up bah!! (usually)
I'm naturally cute and ugly and I know it so why should I hide it then? :D

"But sometimes the shit just seems, everybody only wants to discuss me
So this must mean I'm disgusting, but its just me I'm just obscene"