Jul 5, 2007
East coast ,USA
I loved mr.bungle.
it was at the time just some of the craziest, wacky ,funny and heavy shit ive ever heard. there debut albulm (mr.bungle) was just insane.
it was like lounge circus fusion metal.:loco:
there follow up releases were not as good . but the first remains a classic.
mike patton got my respect , i wasnt into faith N More at all.

i saw them in concert once and i was a bit dissapointed ...they only did 1 old song :erk:

anyone else here into that shit?
if you never heard them ....check out the self titled debut albulm.:headbang:

I love all of their albums, though I like California the least. The stuff they made before the self titled cd isn't that great.
Never like Patton and never will. A little to pretentious for my taste. Though I did like Pepping Tom, his "pop" project.
some of his stuff is pretty ridiculous. one of his solo albums is, literally, him screaming and making random noise into the mic for about half an hour
Disco Volante is my fave. The others are most excellent as well though. It's a damn shame they split. Apparently Patton is a nightmare to work with.
"impotence....boomarang...ill stab you...(ill stab you)...clumps of the sink....whos hiding ..things from new all along .goddammit..and you wouldnt tell me..."

from what im reading i missed the boat on disco valante....i got california and it seemed to me to be creativly weaker then selftitled albulm and i drifted im gona have to go out and get me some old new bungle.
thanks guys(and girls).
Yeah Disco Volante is fucking genius, Self titled is the shit too, but i much rather listen to Disco Volante and California is eh, not that great.