Mr Kyps Photos

>Gorgeous photo's, mind if I ask is that a digital or an SLR you used?

Fuji S9500 (Digital) according to the EXIF data on the jpeg :loco:

I used to have a Fuji S5000 that's served me well but I've just traded it in for a Canon EOS350D SLR - am taking it to the Newcastle gig so all being well will hopefully have some photies to share - can't promise anything as I'm not sure if I'll get it in or not - have never been to this venue before and even then it obviously depends on the size of the crowd etc as I'm far too old for shoving my way to the front :)
Excellent, thanks for that - was planning being there at 8.00 for the doors anyway, don't like to miss anything !

..and it's Mark, Rab Cilbup is the result of a rather stupid in joke involving Derek Acorah.


Must say, am really looking forward to this, I only found out about it last week.