MSN etiquette


steak(knife) no more
Jul 3, 2002
Do you bother people on MSN even if you've got absolutely nothing to talk about? Then say to them "oh I see you are busy" when they dont know how to respond to your useless smalltalk?

or am I just a cranky ould sod? :D
Create an alternative MSN passport for a close circle of friends and then forget your log-in name :D

I wish MSN didn't exist actually. No, I don't. Well, sometimes I do. Forget it.
i dont understand where all these 8 year old norwegian kids come from. on my list i mean. some french kids these days too.


one, which actually knew some english told me he had a girlfriend and if i could talk dirty to him


Well strange individuals add me to msn who I have no idea who they are lets look at an example I mean who the fuck could that be?

I also usually wait till people talk to me cos I hate that whole Hi How r u fine and u good ta ......shit that conversations tend to start with.
Strangelight said:
Another thing I dont understand, is when people add me to their list then ask "who is this?"
cos u change yer nick like every 5 days ;) and ppl are too stupid to remember yer email... y'ould sod you :p

excuse me for disturbing you @ 3 am duncan, just checking up every now and then - just say "feck off" when needed.

it wont happen again

bleed_black_orchid said:
Well strange individuals add me to msn who I have no idea who they are lets look at an example I mean who the fuck could that be?

I also usually wait till people talk to me cos I hate that whole Hi How r u fine and u good ta ......shit that conversations tend to start with.
would you rather have

person: "Hiya"
- perfect msn user: "Hello...! do i know you?"
person: "yeah u do. Just came outta the shower i'm having this big fucking wart on me foreskin - wanna see a pic?"
- perfect msn user: "yeh sure, show it cos i hate talking about myself anyway and not telling the truth when asked how i am doing and i say 'fine' when i actually feel like crap, but i cant be arsed to tell cos i dont fucking know you anyway, and i dont wanna speak out truthfully cos msn is full of stupid ppl i dont know or just rant about whatever they can come up with although it frustrates me cos i am part of this community where ppl are free to add them to my list and i actually dont want them to, but they still do and bother the shit outta me with useless "how are you" 's cos they're not as straight forward as the next one or myself ofcourse cos i always am when everything comes my way..."

"...ah you went offline... damn now i typed all this crap for nothing"

*insert shitload of smilies above, referring to unnecessary facial expressions trying to imitate daily life*
siderea said:
i dont understand where all these 8 year old norwegian kids come from. on my list i mean. some french kids these days too.
that's cause i'm sending some mails arround with your msn adress in :D