MSRcast episode 35 available now...

Evil C.

Jan 19, 2003
houston, tx
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A little late, but episode 35 is available now. Had a busy past few weeks, and Dethklok stopped by to wish me an evil Bday! This episode features music from Amon Amarth, Dawn, Novembers Doom, Nevermore, Sacred Reich, Suffocation, Into Eternity, Krux, Mastodon, Memento Mori, My Dying Bride, Primal Fear, Trivium, and Vicious Rumors. Lots of killer new music this episode, and eclectic? Hell yeah!

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Evil C.
Hey guys, very good episode. Have to come down on Papa Josh's side on the Into Eternity song, it has some moments but overall, :Puke: . That song really suffers from something I hear a lot in all types of metal. There are some really cool parts, and some really shitty parts, but they don't sound like they belong together in the same song. So much of metal sounds like this, where a song is just 3 or 4 riffs or ideas thrown together, rather than an actual song that flows from one part to another. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth on that one. I really like the Novembers Doom and the Nevermore, I really like Trivium and I think their new album kicks much ass. And the Vicious Rumors track was great, can't wait to get my hands on that one. The Memento Mori track was good but they need a different singer, that guy sounds like he was being branded while recording the vocals.

Thanks for keeping it metal and looking forward to the next one. :rock: :kickass:
metalheadinthe253 said:
Hey guys, very good episode. Have to come down on Papa Josh's side on the Into Eternity song, it has some moments but overall, :Puke: . That song really suffers from something I hear a lot in all types of metal. There are some really cool parts, and some really shitty parts, but they don't sound like they belong together in the same song. So much of metal sounds like this, where a song is just 3 or 4 riffs or ideas thrown together, rather than an actual song that flows from one part to another. Anyway, that's my 2 cents worth on that one. I really like the Novembers Doom and the Nevermore, I really like Trivium and I think their new album kicks much ass. And the Vicious Rumors track was great, can't wait to get my hands on that one. The Memento Mori track was good but they need a different singer, that guy sounds like he was being branded while recording the vocals.

Thanks for keeping it metal and looking forward to the next one. :rock: :kickass:

Take it you're not a Candlemass fan? :lol:

Oh well, he's out of Candlemass for good as well now.... :erk:

Evil C, you should have seen Mikey's face when he heard Into Eternity... :ill:
Wow. Messiah is one of my favorite vocalists now...One of those unique voices in metal...

Heh about Into Eternity. I used to looove this band. Not so much on the new album. To each their own though.

Otherwise, we still kick ass...