MTV News

one man stands

Twins Still In It
Feb 14, 2002
Albert Lea, MN
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Hey, how the hell are ya? Iann Robinson here with this week's "Metal File," and man, it's a big week. It looks like Danzig is practically replacing his whole band, and Strapping Young Lad heading out with Meshuggah should be pretty killer. The next big thing in metal — as I see it — is the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival that kicks off May 16. It looks like everybody is gonna be there: Killswitch Engage, Lamb of God, Mastodon, the Haunted and tons more ... what better way to spend a weekend? I recently heard some of the new Lamb of God, and I'm telling you, it's pretty amazing. I was also really impressed with the new Cradle of Filth album, Damnation and a Day, really epic sounding. The metal gods must also be smiling on Anthrax, because after years of really not liking what they were doing, I think the new album, We've Come for You All, is really good. I'd also recommend the Black Flag tribute album Back in Black on Initial Records. It's got Converge, Anodyne, Coalesce, the Dillinger Escape Plan and more, all doing Black Flag tunes — amazing stuff. Well, read on for some choice metal news and remember, if you think Linkin Park and Limp Bizkit are metal, this isn't for you!!!
Wow, Iann Robinson THE reference in metal music now likes Anthrax ... the gods really must be smiling on Anthrax so that one fat nobody finally likes their album after years of not liking their work... who cares?
FU Mrs Robinson.
We don't get the American MTV news report over here we get some faggot telling us how well dance and hip hop bands are doing we got a 10 second interview with stone sour who i do like but why can't they tell us more rock and metal news there is metal fans over here not just fucking pop hip hop and r'n'b fans
tell that fat fuck to shut his mouth and play fake metal in his wannabe band. he said anthrax sucked and should give up. some anthrax fan probably waved a twinkie in his fat face before he said that!!!!!:tickled:
I wish I could posess Ian R. (Bill and Ted's Bogus Movie style) and talk more about how much W.C.F.Y.A. more.....