MTV's top metal bands

OK, vivisection time:

1. Black Sabbath
2. Judas Priest
3. Metallica
4. Iron Maiden
5. Pantera
6. Slayer
7. AC/DC
8. Motorhead
9. Kiss
10. Motley Crue

1) Undoubtedly
2) Undoubtedly
3) Well denying their importance from 1983-1986 will be plain stupidity, but after 1988 they were as relevant as a politician speech
4) Behind Metallica? Yeah sure :Smug: , even if they have lost the magic of the classic years Iron Maiden is Iron Maiden and deserves to be in the top three.
5) Absolutely irrelevant. The band that grooved metal into mallcore :yuk: I don't care how many enemies I make here, they shouldn't be in the top 100 for which I care
6) Slayer. I don't like them but they were a force to reckon with too high ranked here for my taste may surely in the top 50.
7) Undoubtedly even if they're not my cup of tea a bit too high maybe :)
8) Undoubfucking-A-tedly and way to low they ARE in the top five :headbang:
9) Oh well I don't like them but they surely put themselves and rock in the spotlight strongly definitively in the top 25.
10) To me a bad KISS clone, maybe some funny relevance in the top 100 somewhere but not in here.

Now some of the forgotten ones who should have been in the top 10:

Thin Lizzy
Deep Purple

If we are talking the best of the best in history, the masters as MTV call them well forgetting those is a capital sin.

And if have to throw some more bands with big importance I'll put:

Celtic Frost

NP: Doro - 'Heaven I See'
Wyvern said:
1) Undoubtedly
2) Undoubtedly
3) Well denying their importance from 1983-1986 will be plain stupidity, but after 1988 they were as relevant as a politician speech
4) Behind Metallica? Yeah sure :Smug: , even if they have lost the magic of the classic years Iron Maiden is Iron Maiden and deserves to be in the top three.
5) Absolutely irrelevant. The band that grooved metal into mallcore :yuk: I don't care how many enemies I make here, they shouldn't be in the top 100 for which I care
6) Slayer. I don't like them but they were a force to reckon with too high ranked here for my taste may surely in the top 50.
7) Undoubtedly even if they're not my cup of tea a bit too high maybe :)
8) Undoubfucking-A-tedly and way to low they ARE in the top five :headbang:
9) Oh well I don't like them but they surely put themselves and rock in the spotlight strongly definitively in the top 25.
10) To me a bad KISS clone, maybe some funny relevance in the top 100 somewhere but not in here.

NP: Doro - 'Heaven I See'

Yeah that What I would say.

I can´t say Kiss is even metal but anyway.
Mötley is good 80´s metal band but in top ten naah.
And Pantera and metallica.
I don't very much agree with that list either, no Megadeth, Savatage or Testament anywhere in sight, and KISS, wtf are they doing in there?
I think it's a list based on sales rather than skills.
MTV give me a fooking break. your letting the suits tell you whats a good band, Smash down the gates and burn all of them....especially the artificial video jockeys fook me theres sooo much great underground music out there and we have the internet too and you are all disscussing what MTV have to say??? Why??.................MTV mean nothing to no-one but themselves. :headbang:
OK let's see:

1. Black Sabbath- Yes obviously, top 5 certainly if not top 3.

2. Judas Priest-See above.

3. Metallica- Top 5 (counting first 5 albums only of course)

4. Iron Maiden-Top 3, perhaps number 1.

5. Pantera- Bullshit. What crap. :puke:

6. Slayer-Top 5 absolutely.

7. AC/DC- Not metal.

8. Motorhead- Classic but.... no.

9. Kiss- Not metal. But still alot of fun.

10. Motley Crue- Not metal though the early stuff is fun.

I would have added Mercyful Fate and Bathory to the list for sure.
check out mustaines top 10, he puts metallica in front of megadeth :headbang:

That list was terrible, man, ACDC, Kiss, Motley Crue, no way
Danallica said:
check out mustaines top 10, he puts metallica in front of megadeth :headbang:

Thats because he feels Megadeth is always second, I think it sucks to be him actually. He talks about how shitty he feels and how metallica fans taunt him in the street and stuff.
The Minds Eye said:
Thats because he feels Megadeth is always second, I think it sucks to be him actually. He talks about how shitty he feels and how metallica fans taunt him in the street and stuff.

yeh, but still, how do you reckon it makes the fans of megadeth feel, that they are no.2 as well.

Must suck though having fans taunt you
The line that divides metal from hard rock seems to shift from person to person. I'm a little surprised at no mention of Alice Cooper or Blue Oyster Cult. I guess I would put them more on the hard rock side, as I would Motley, AC/DC and Kiss so maybe I shouldn't be surprised. :heh:
And metal didn´t never go any where.
It was always here.

I know it never went away, but as far as mainstream popularity it was all but dead to the MTV and radio for that matter.

I can't believe all the Pantera haters? :Smug:

I don't think Kiss, AC/DC or Motley are metal either, more hard rock. At least the list isn't full of bands like Poisen, Warrent and shit like that. That's what they usually classify as metal.:erk: At the end of the day it's just a list from some people that work at MTV. I wonder if we could come up with something like this for UMOS. The way they did it was pretty good. Everbody makes a top ten list and then each band gets points for each time it's on a list. 10 points for number one and so on. I'm guessing at least half of these bands would be in our top ten as well.
Wheezer said:
I'm a little surprised at no mention of Alice Cooper or Blue Oyster Cult.

:oops: :cry: I was electric when I made my rant and forgot them

NP: Lacuna Coil - 'Humane'
SavaRon said:
I wonder if we could come up with something like this for UMOS. The way they did it was pretty good. Everbody makes a top ten list and then each band gets points for each time it's on a list. 10 points for number one and so on. I'm guessing at least half of these bands would be in our top ten as well.

I think that's a great idea. I think labeling it as top 10 Metal/Hard Rock of all time rather than just Metal would remove the grey area in the definitions. I think most of us listen to a combination anyway. Just an idea.
Wyvern said:
:oops: :cry: I was electric when I made my rant and forgot them

I didn't mean by you -- just in general. I don't remember either of them being on any of the individual lists either (celebrities and MTV types). It was easier for me to read through the thread and then check off bands that others had mentioned.