Muffin's birthday...

Also, forgot to say, that caek is awesome, but the unicorn cake you found was vastly superior :D *huug*
Here it is, then:

ALSO, I just figured the MACHINEgun e-cake one would be moar e-healthy since it has e-chocolate and not dubious blue e-topping which could either be blueberry e-flavor in the good case or e-cancer in the bad one. :erk: So that's why I posted.
*massivehugz*!! :cool:
muffins have a fucking drunk b irhtaday, and you better respect it or youre a racist

thank you<3

i'm drunk as a mnidget
For your birthday I will teach you the secrets behind photosynthizisation.

This gift is actually terrible because you live in a cold, dark, lifeless land. D: