Multi Albums!

Today in a fit of extreme bordeom I began wondering how many copies of the same album/single I have so I decided to dig them all out and I'm actually quite surprised at the result!! Have a look for yourself!!






I actually have 2 cassette copies of The Black Album but the other ones in the car at the moment and I can't get to it.





Iron Maiden





Guns N' Roses


I think I've asked you this before....How do you post pics up here? I want to post some pics of my son.


PS I have a Master of Puppets album that is a double disc and a Red, Blue and Gold Creeping Death EP all on vinyl. Pretty cool.
momadave said:
I think I've asked you this before....How do you post pics up here? I want to post some pics of my son.


PS I have a Master of Puppets album that is a double disc and a Red, Blue and Gold Creeping Death EP all on vinyl. Pretty cool.

Hey there!

You just need to put the url of the pic into the
tags. :D

That's cool!!!! I wouldn't mind some of them! I want to get the French Ride The Lightning lp which is green but you can never be sure if it's real of fake nowadays!
Dave, easiest thing is to get a photobucket account. Once you upload you pics there all you have to do is click the little icon with the moon over the mountains (insert image), copy the url box under you photobucket picture, and paste it there.

General concensus is photobucket is the easiest one to use.
Like this...Some of my herd...


Thanks Linda, check out the rest....I'm embarassed to say the quality of my skills and gear are vastly different...
I'm just a shameless gear whore. :loco:
In my defense I know guys who are worse. That doesn't help with my wife though.:erk:






a few guitars as well....


Doodoobubbachuck said:
OMG! Those are some BEAUTIFUL basses!!! Wow~:worship:

Metallicat, I've never seen the first Maiden on cassette! That's wild! :)
Very impressive collection there!

Thanks Linda!! I don't know where that one came from. I got them all inherited from my brother and sister so it's mostly likely it came from my cousin Craig. It doesn't have Sanctuary on it either.
pcmerc said:
Where's your Slayer album collection? sheez!

I don't like Slayer.

Don't ask me why - it seems like a band I should like cos I love the rest of the "Big Four" but I just cannot get into them! I've tried my hardest!!! I've listened to all the albums but the closest I can get to liking them is thinking Seasons In The Abyss and Angel Of Death are ok.
Seasons in the Abyss is o.k., reign of blood/raining blood (whatever) rocks, and Dittohead is their one song from the 90's era I like. Slayer was the least of the Big Four, in my opinion, I actually thought Testament was better in that time. I'll give Slayer credit for staying uncommercial, but I just don't dig em that much.

Slayer fans feel free to send replies telling what a pussy I am, you hope I die, yada yada, I don't give a rat's ass! :loco:
Gee, spidey, do ya think you have enough instruments? LOL! I guess I'm not the only one, then. I have an acoustic guitar, a red Warlock, an acoustic bass, an electric-blue Yamaha bass (my first one), the Steve Harris Signature Series Fender P-bass, and my latest is a 5-string bass given to me in May by Fieldy from KORN (He was also inspired to play by Steve Harris, as he told me!) I'd post pics of them, but don't have a clue about uploading photos to URLs and all that stuff.