multiple project files


beat defective
Sep 12, 2008
howdy howdy everyone.

i've got a question for you all, i'm about to start recording a band soon. it's kind of album length, 10 songs, and i was wondering, would it be better to have 1 large project file for the whole album, or to have each track in it's own project file?

also, i heard rumors that melodyne goes out of sync very gradually? does anyone know if this is true, and if so, how much?

sorry, the forum search is terrid, although i did try a google search with site:... , and couldn't really find anything of use..

the melodyne thing was more of an afterthought though, but yea, i found out it's not sample accurate.

If I'm not wrong the search function doesn't allow less than 4 words.

For example, the very first day when I came here I couldn't search for "Pod Tones"

So yeh, "Mix" wouldn't work out.

Someone better change that.
well, i was searching for "multiple project files" and couldn't really find anything of use.. :|

thanks for pointing me to those.

as for the melodyne issues, i've read those 2 threads already, and they're not that specific, as it's only joey that's ever reported it really, i didn't (and still don't) know if it's a daw related issue, or what.
