Multiple room mics phase cancellation


New Metal Member
Sep 2, 2015
Dont know if im in the right forum here, but id really like some advice on something.
I have a drum tracking going on and i have two OH and three ROOM mics. I know how to deal with phase issues when only using overheads, but how do i do it when i also have those room mics? I usually listen to the snare for example in solo with the OH and then i flip the phase to taste. But if i do the same thing with the ROOM mics, I cant flip it twice???
Compare the channels what is in phase and what is out of phase. Sometimes just flipping won't work. Better solution would be phase alignment plugin and you should easily clean the things up using it :)
I would suggest you to listen to your overheads in mono and then flip the polarity/phase of your room mics (a track at a time), if it really doesn't help try what the message above says.