

I have the power
Apr 14, 2001
Brisbane, Australia
Bought the CD yesterday and it's pretty damn good. However, it automatically gets boosted into the top 10 albums of the year because "Love at First Fright" is about a guy falling in love with Reagan from "The Exorcist".

I'd love it if you'd spin your head for me
or vomit a beautiful pea soup green,
So beautifully
across your stomach it said "Help Me"
I gotta know will you marry me,
Captain Howdy?

Much better than anything Iced Earth did on "Wolfman & Friends"!
yes indeed! Murderdolls do rock, was quite suprised actually. Considering it features member/s of Slipknot......

slipknot suck
muderdolls good!
Album of the year. Without a shadow of a doubt :)

"When I saw you piss on the rug
My heart fluttered and I knew it was love...
True love..."

Originally posted by spawn
Album of the year. Without a shadow of a doubt :)

Don't misunderstand me, I like Slipknot (and murderdolls) as well, but you should listen to real heavy music that's keen written! Check out Opeth, Swedish melodic death, don't expect some grunts whole songs long that you can't understand, no! they're mixing acoustic riffs smartly with heavy parts! Clean vocals with grunts (it's still death metal)

They're the only Death I like, check them out why, and if you're not convinced by my words, download some songs at kazaa.

Opeth - Deliverance will be close at number one in my list, along with Pearl Jam's Riot Act and Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. This should my top 3... don't figure out the order yet
Originally posted by Mariner
Don't misunderstand me, I like Slipknot (and murderdolls) as well, but you should listen to real heavy music that's keen written! Check out Opeth, Swedish melodic death, don't expect some grunts whole songs long that you can't understand, no! they're mixing acoustic riffs smartly with heavy parts! Clean vocals with grunts (it's still death metal)

They're the only Death I like, check them out why, and if you're not convinced by my words, download some songs at kazaa.

Opeth - Deliverance will be close at number one in my list, along with Pearl Jam's Riot Act and Dream Theater's Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence. This should my top 3... don't figure out the order yet

Im so tempted to use that fucking smiley here, but I shall resist.

I have Blackwater Park and I dont like it.
Originally posted by spawn
Im so tempted to use that fucking smiley here, but I shall resist.

I have Blackwater Park and I dont like it.

It's so brilliant! :eek: ok I couldn't have thought about you in Australia knowing them! what's so bad about it in your opinion?!
I hate death metal vocals :)

Besides, we know everybody down here, how else could we keep track of all the bands that never tour? :)
Originally posted by spawn
Besides, we know everybody down here, how else could we keep track of all the bands that never tour? :)

uhm you could buy more CD's of them so they play at yours :D
BTW, there's been a Belgian band 6 years ago that toured in Australia, they were doing good modern trashmetal! 'Channel Zero', ever heard of them???
I buy plenty of cds dammit! :D

Ive never heard of Channel Zero, but id say someone here would have (probably Goreripper!)
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Love at First Fright= Funniest. Lyrics. Ever.

Not that I'm going to buy the album or anything, but that's pretty damn amusing. Can you hear them sing properly, or is it just the usual Slipknot variety "growl-shout-growl-shout-belch-puke"?

For the record, I don't like death metal vocals either. I haven't started quite as many arguments about them as Spawn though!

Nothing like Slipknot at all, its proper singing, though he isnt a great tenor or anything, but he gets the job done well, sorta like Axl Rose :)

Buy it Wrathy, its album of the year and only 24.95 :)

BTW, I dont start them! :)
Yes you do! :p

"Look, this isn't an argument!"
"Yes it is..."
An argument is all about building up a contrary body of opinion. It's not just saying "yes it is" or "no it isn't."
"Yes it is"
"No it isn't!'

And so forth. I'll stop now.

If a band toured whenever Spawny bought an album there would be no metal scene in any other country except Australia. Except for possibly the country Nile comes from. Then it would be a little scene.