Music For Me To Check Out?


Stop scopies me
Nov 17, 2005
Baker City, Oregon
Hey guys, I'm interested in checking out some new music. I've been listening to Nevermore everyday for god knows how long and want to check out some other stuff.

I'm not really into death or speed metal so much.

I absolutely LOVE orchestra pieces and really like bands that incorporate orchestral arrangements into their work. Adagio is a band that I really like but I'm not very much into gay power metal type stuff like Dragonforce. :puke:

So please, if you would, list some bands for me to check out so I can broaden my musical range. Thanks in advance.
COB.....I really can't stand them. There was a small period of about a month where I liked them, but

Dimmu Borgir....their older material was better for me HOWEVER I really did like Progenies and Leeches Among Us (is that even right?) off of DCA. Progenies really has the orchestral thing down IN MY OPINION.

I also really like folk music, prog, and even Yanni....Yes, I fucking said Yanni. Listen to his arrangements.
I think Trans-Siberian Orchestra might be up your alley (if you haven't heard of them already). Check out Muse as well. They're not metal, but brilliant nontheless.