Music Heard From Open Windows

dorian gray

Returning videotapes
Apr 8, 2004
Sounds like a song title Steven Wilson would come up with
Anyway, whenever I hear music coming from someone's open car window I always listen in hopes it's something cool. It never is. Yet, yesterday I was waltzing into Office Depot to get a part for my fax machine and a guy rolled by blasting Primus's "The Toys go Winding Down". I gave a hurrah but I don't think he heard me....

So tell me what ye have heard (your own car window doesn't count)
- biking home from work. A dirty towtruck hits the stoplight and I hear for whom the bell tolls... and the tow truck is bobbing along because the guy is sorta half-headbanging along.
- Our neighbour listening to rocky stuff like pearl jam

thats about it.

wait... you listen to primus!?!??!?!?!
down here it's usually shitty rap music from spooks or bass shit from beaners, all of which whose cars are dropped or have some other ghettofied atrocity done to it.

hip hop culture needs to die.

ive heard pantera from spoiled brat jocks too. we have a lot of those in the woodlands
if you were driving next to me today, you got a boat load of Rick Springfield and clouds of stogie smoke
down here it's usually shitty rap music from spooks or bass shit from beaners, all of which whose cars are dropped or have some other ghettofied atrocity done to it.

hip hop culture needs to die.

ive heard pantera from spoiled brat jocks too. we have a lot of those in the woodlands

Take the same rap and hip hop... and add turkish WAILING to the background (you know, the repetitive same in every song sound) and you've got the berlin equivalent.

Basically that wailing screaming noise gets added to: rap, hip hop and techno.
Ranchero music coming from open car windows and front yards in passing. 4 blocks down there's a family who runs a torta stand out of their front yard. They even have a restaurant sign jerry rigged to their gutter shilling these curb side delicacies. :erk:
There's a kid who lives a couple of doors down from me, and whenever I walk past his house, he's playing his guitar. The kid's like 17 and he's a sickeningly good player - I've heard him shredding out Dimebag solos when I'm off to the Costcutter for beer, and it always makes me feel a little inadequate. Precocious little bastard.
On the way home from work the other day there was this GORGEOUS woman in a BMW next to me at a light. Her windows were down and Round and Round was playing. She was slightly bobbing her head and singing along. I hear a lot of 80's stuff coming from cars. There's a pretty decent radio station in town that plays a good mix of stuff.
The other day driving to work at 6:30 in the morning I pulled up next to a BMW with a bird who musta been at least in her 50s, listening to Nothing Else Matters at such a loud volume that I could hear Lars blow his load in the background when the 12 string started. Apart from that, most of what you hear is techno or hip-hop, with the occasional Master of Puppets or Raining Blood or something.
Dorian are you familiar with green roofs? Well this morning I seen a beat up 85 Olds with a green dash. Evenly cut grass 6 inches high insulating both windows, front and rear.
no car anecdote to report, but back in Cologne my neighbour used to blast some cool stuff in between some lame metalcore and MTV-core. Once we played Slaughter of the Soul simultaneously by pure chance :)
Blasting from car stereos = Ghey
Blasting from home stereo, while the neighbors are away = Rocking good time!

Music needs to be heard, not murmured! Let your dick's hang loose friends! I'm in a euphoric mood right now! It's like I just took a whiff of Dorian's fingers.
haha dont count me out yet


didnt I just swear off the drama in another thread? shit