Music of Mass Destruction


Chef Metal
Jun 4, 2002
The Metal Kitchen
OK So I picked this one up yesterday I have always wanted a Live John Bush Record its pretty good Not nearly as bad as I had been expecting tho I must say that Anthrax's sound hasnt been the same since Spitz left and Ol Rob CANNOT do his solos! and I also think Jonh Kinda stinks abit oon some of the old Joey Tunes Not all Some of them he does awsome But after you hear a song a certain way for 15 years hahah well you know ... One of the Big Standouts for me was Be all,End All! WOW they Kicked that songs ass!:notworthy ...... All in all even with all my complaints its a solid Live Record They missed some Classics but it was worth my money :) :heh:
Jonny all I can say is, I'm glad someone enjoyed that rubbish they called a live record!
I agree John Bush is the highlight, if you wanna call his medicore performance that?!
Which is kinda funny, cos' last night on HBB they ran the new Thrax video, I can't even recall the track, nor do I care, because I have lost any interest in Anthrax with the release of that overdubbed disc they try to pass off as a live disc! The "Only" dangerous thing about Anthrax is... Well, nothing! Who the hell are they kidding? If I were in that band, I would have enough pride to call it quits! Why? Well because, there's one ONE original member left! Scott Ian!!!!!
I pray that Billy Milano jumps off the tallest building in NYC & lands on Scott!!!!
Fuck them!!!!!
sixxswine said:
Jonny all I can say is, I'm glad someone enjoyed that rubbish they called a live record!

hahahaha I'm ALWAYS the one who has to be different :grin: its not the best Live Album I have ever heard not even close.... But I Liked it and I also bought it because its Bellos last release with them hahahah I dont know if they are going to beable to keep my interest it took me a HELL of a long time to Get over Dan Spitz not being there his Lead Guitar was essential hahahaha As is Frank Bellos Bass Playin and Attitude ..... Being a Bass Player Frank has always been one of my Favorites so Who knows? hahahaha
So Anthrax getting bad to :erk: .... I just hang on to the old stuff wich is awesome. Same with Queensryche, I'll keep on liking these guys for putting out superb records in the past , no matter what shit they record nowdays.... not that I wouldn't like to hear another great record by Anthrax, but they get my credit for the past... Don't need a new Anthrax , they have enough early stuff to enjoy :loco: ... On the other hand I kinda think it's strange that those former superbands don't know how to record a decent song anymore...
Sgt_D said:
I'm more concerned about the SOUND that anything else on that one. The obvious overdubs are corny as well :(
Cos' Sargeant D is comin' and you're on his list!!!!!:yow:
They are obvious aren't they?!:erk:
I think they must have recorded the crowd from a Bear's game,
cos' it certainly wasn't The Bulls or a Thrax show for that matter...:yuk:
:Puke: Obvious overdubbing on live recordings!!!!!!
sixxswine said:
I appologize if my comments made you feels "stupid."
I didn't mean to belittle you for liking what you like.
If you like fucking great!!!!! Doesn't change my opinion of you at all!! You ar one cool mother!!!!

No I'm sorry for being a Bitch man hahahaha You are totally entitled to your opinion too! ............ But Thanks! you a Cool Mother fucker too Sixx! :grin:
Hate to tell you guys but 99% of these live videos are filled with overdubs. Some pull it off better than others though. I just picked up the Judas Priest box set just for the DVD of the show in Tenn 1982, and that thing also has overdubs.... alot of the solos have been redone.
Greeno said:
Hate to tell you guys but 99% of these live videos are filled with overdubs. Some pull it off better than others though. I just picked up the Judas Priest box set just for the DVD of the show in Tenn 1982, and that thing also has overdubs.... alot of the solos have been redone.
You mean Vince Neil's vocals on the live Crue record are actaully sung in a studio setting?! No Shit?! I hate to be a smart ass, but I was aware of this, the most obvious of all is KISS Alive & AII.:tickled: I was actually wathcing the Priest DVD for the first time, believe it or not, last weekend, and the guitar sound really crisp & slick! Have you noticed how the audience has been panned out?! It's like a live, but in the studio recording...:cry:
Which leads me to this, while I'm not huge on Anthrax after their last two outtings, I can't blame those guys for being followers, it's what they do best!:grin:
I'm finally listening to it right now (a friend lent me his copy)...... and well... I've only heard a few songs so far and I already agree with sixx :erk:

The overdubs are sooooooo obvious that it's a pain to hear what could have been a cool live album. There's no atmosphere at all and I don't like the sound of Charlie's bass drum either...
It makes Live Annihilation (Annihilator) or Live Insurrection (Halford) sound as true recordings right from the soundboard :ill:

At least the performance on the newer songs seems quite good, I haven't heard what happens to the old songs yet...