Music Searching!! Suggestions

Apr 14, 2004
In a dank and dungeony dorm room
I've been looking for some new bands to listen to...but I just keep coming across alot of power metal bands, which really isnt my thing.

The band I probably listen to the most is Nevermore. I listen to Andromeda, Nonexist, Darkane, Kalmah, Borknagar, and some others also...

If anyone could give me some suggestions for bands to check out, that would be awesome...
Yeah it is the old Arch Enemy vocalist. For the sound, If you've heard any of Andromeda before...just take that...and dump a bucket of death metal on it I suppose. Johan Reinholdz is amazing. Im not sure how to label it, I think it technically is considered death metal, but Reinholdz puts his little progressive spin on it. If you get a chance, listen to the song Ebony Tower, Nowhere, Eaten Alive or Halo Askew.
Nonexist and Andromeda are indeed awesome. I wouldn't be quick to call it death does follow some Gothenburg elements and has thrash influences all over.

Either way, you should try Orphaned Land, The Chasm, Arghoslent, Ulver, Arcturus, Winds etc.
From the bands you mentioned you like, I cant draw up much of a point of reference. Either way, my strongest recomendations would be my personal favorites, Agalloch, Astriaal, Psycroptic, Destroyer 666, Emperor, Ephel Duath, Windir and Kreator.
I second the chasm and add burzum, miasma, drudkh, naglfar, and moonsorrow. They're all pretty unique and I suspect you'll like at least a couple.
thecrimsonchin said:
I second the chasm and add burzum, miasma, drudkh, naglfar, and moonsorrow. They're all pretty unique and I suspect you'll like at least a couple.
Eh? The first four are absolutely brilliant, but Naglfar and Moonsorrow belong in a very different list.
Yeah, Naglfar and Moonsorrow are far from unique. Naglfar = black/death like a ton of bands, Moonsorrow = pretty good viking metal, who share musical similarities with TONS of bands, namely Manegarm and Thyrfing.
Worm-Infested Intestinal Tract said:
Yeah, Naglfar and Moonsorrow are far from unique. Naglfar = black/death like a ton of bands, Moonsorrow = pretty good viking metal, who share musical similarities with TONS of bands, namely Manegarm and Thyrfing.

Haha-This is true! To be honest I just opened winamp and posted the bands on my last playlist. I'm quite new to all those bands save burzum and naglfar so it's a combination of being lazy, and mixing up names. I shouldn't have said unique though, naglfar isn't unique. Just good.